|  |  | News Around the Republic of Mexico | March 2009  
President Calderón Calls on State and Municipal Governments to Fight Crime Together
Presidencia de la República go to original

| As Mexican president declares martial law, will U.S. step in to help stop the chaos? (Fox News) |  | Mexico City - In Guadalajara, Jalisco, where the first stage of the Articulated Macrobus System was inaugurated, President Felipe Calderón called on state and municipal governments to close ranks and work together to fight crime.
 He said that the lack of safety on the streets is a matter that not only concerns Federal Government but also keeps it busy. “And we have devoted and will continue devoting all our efforts and all the skill of the Mexican state to dealing and solving this problem," he said.
 That is why, he added, “Mexicans are demanding that the authorities be jointly responsible and pledge to engage in this fight, without passing the buck. This is a task we must face together."
 Accompanied by Governor of Jalisco, Emilio González Márquez, and Secretary of Communications and Transport, Juan Molinar Horcasitas, President Calderón confirmed Federal Government’s firm commitment to helping the country’s authorities overcome the challenges that lie ahead.
 He promised that, “Wherever there are authorities determined to fight crime, we will be working alongside them, as is the case with the Jalisco authorities, to fight this crime.” He declared that when the three orders of government work together, it is possible to make progress in fighting this scourge. “I am convinced that it is possible to beat crime.”
 At the same time, President Calderón announced that the Macrobus System, the first stage of which he inaugurated, required an investment of nearly one billion pesos, contributed by the state government, the municipal government and haulage contractors in the private sector. The Macrobus will drive along confined lanes, with 144 buses with a capacity for 170 passengers each.
 He stressed that passengers will gain time and comfort, since the one-hour trip from Calzada de la Independencia to Gobernador Curiel will probably now take half an hour.
 President Calderón considered that the Macrobús is a project that will create jobs and improve the quality of life of Guadalajara's citizens, "Because this type of transport improves the living standards, traffic, and travel times of those living here.” |

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