|  |  | Business News | March 2009  
Mexican Tycoon Slim Gets the Wax Treatment
Cyntia Barrera Diaz & Tomas Sarmiento - Reuters go to original

| Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim talks to journalists after a meeting with Colombia's President Alvaro Uribe in Cartagena, Colombia, Tuesday, March 10, 2009. Some of Latin America's richest businessmen met to discuss the current global economic crisis. (AP/Pedro Mendoza) |  | Mexico City - He runs one of the world's biggest cell phone companies, has Auguste Rodin sculptures lining his museum, and is rumored to be courting a queen. So what's left on Carlos Slim's to-do list?
 The Mexican tycoon, the world's third-richest man, this week unveiled his own figure at the Mexico City Wax Museum, joining an eclectic collection of icons ranging from the late Indian leader Mahatma Gandhi to Hogwarts alum Harry Potter.
 Slim, 69, the owner of America Movil and Telmex phone companies, is the first Mexican businessman to get the wax treatment at the museum, located in a 19th century mansion near the capital's downtown.
 Director Maria Emma Pernas said the museum polls visitors to find out which personalities they would like to join the collection.
 Slim's figure, which took four months to be sculpted and has natural hair implants, dons a dark suit donated by the businessman himself.
 Spanish media earlier this year speculated that Slim, a widower, was courting Jordan's Queen Noor.
 (Editing by Phil Berlowitz) |

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