|  |  | News Around the Republic of Mexico | April 2009  
Mexico Has Staked its Future on Education: President Calderón
Presidencia de la República go to original

| In Morelos, President delivers actions for Better School Program and Inaugurates Mejillitas Daycare Center. |  | Yautepec, Morelos - President Felipe Calderón declared that since the quality of education will not improve unless there are decent schools, one of government’s commitments is to invest in school infrastructure.
 “By improving the school facilities, we are improving the quality of education, partly because it is impossible to improve the quality of education without having decent schools. And Mexico is staking its future on education,” he declared.
 On a tour of the State of Morelos, in the municipality of Yautepec, during the handing over of actions for the Better Schools Program, the President declared that this program emerged due to various primary and secondary school in the country which are in need of repair.
 He reported that during his Administration, 8,500 schools have been remodeled, the goal being to exceed 20,000 in the short term throughout Mexico.
 Accompanied by Secretaries of Public Education Alonso Lujambio Irazábal and Social Development, Ernesto Cordero Arroyo, President Calderón reported that this year, $480 billion pesos will be assigned to education, in other words, nearly half a million pesos, 35% more than the amount invested before the start of his government.
 He declared that these actions also form part of the Alliance for Quality Education and government's commitment to Mexican students.
 At the Vicente Guerrero elementary school, President Felipe Calderón said that the remodeling of this school, which cost less than a million pesos, will benefit 230 students.
 He stressed that the Better Schools Program achieves two goals: it improves education by fixing school infrastructure and enhances employment conditions, particularly in the country's rural communities.
 Referring to Vicente Guerrero, the Mexican president asked all the children present to think big and to consider the men and women Mexico needs.
 “I know that you are prepared so that tomorrow you will be able to contribute to the development of our beloved Mexico and contribute to your own success which will enable you to find a job or start a business or promote agricultural production," he said.
 Moreover, I wish all the students in all the country's schools every success in the upcoming Enlace test, through which Government evaluates the quality of education.
 Prior to this, President Felipe Calderón toured the Mejillitas Daycare Center, where he chatted with the children and was shown the premises.
 He said that these daycare centers have enabled 200,000 women to join the market and that this figure could rise to 250,000 mothers throughout the country, wishing to find work. At the same time, he said that 50,000 direct and 100,000 indirect jobs have been created. |

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