|  |  | News from Around Banderas Bay | May 2009  
Casa Cupula Guests Give Highest Ratings Ever to Staff

| For more information please visit CasaCupula.com. For reservations from the US, please call 1-866-352-2511. |  | Puerto Vallarta - May 1st was Labor Day in Mexico, marking an appropriate time to announce the highest guest ratings ever for Casa Cupula's incredible staff. Three of the last 4 half-monthly ratings periods have tied for the highest ever, with an average guest rating of almost 4.8 out of a possible 5.
 "We know that a huge part of our success as a hotel is due to our employees constantly striving to beat guests' expectations" said Don Pickens, Principal of Milagro Properties, which owns Casa Cupula. "But it's hard to maintain that level of service over and over every single week. Our employees work hard to achieve this recognition from guests. So they deserve the rewards that come with that hard work."
 Casa Cupula was fortunate to hire Tina Kunkel, Operations Manager, who started her post in September 2008. After taking a little while to learn the ropes, she implemented continual improvements with employees and processes, resulting in today's great ratings.
 Tina hails from Aschaffenburg, Bavaria, Germany with a degree in Hotel Management & Business Administration from European School of Hotel Management Pegnitz. She speaks English and Spanish in addition to her native German, and has been a resident of Mexico for 6 years.
 "It was always my dream to run a luxury boutique hotel. Growing from 5 rooms when it was founded in 2002 to 20 rooms and suites today, created new management challenges for Casa Cupula. We made a lot of improvements but I had a good core team to start. I'm very proud of my staff for creating and maintaining a level of service that rivals that of the best properties in the world," she says.
 "Of course we can't please all the people all the time," Pickens noted. "Our guests expect and demand the best for their hard-earned money... particularly in this tough economic environment. As a tiny property we still have lots of areas where we want to improve. Guest feedback is very important and we listen to that every week to guide us toward future improvements."
 A few recent examples from guest surveys, which are filled out by almost every guest, prove enlightening: guest Moller noted, "the staff is a perfect combination of friendly while still being professional," while guest Cornman noted the "friendliness and attentiveness of staff (was) consistent across the board."
 Guest Johnson raved, "the people, everyone, were simply great and made the trip that much better." Casa Cupula is "a well run operation that is flexible enough to help me enjoy Vallarta," exclaimed guest Brown, who had a small air conditioner problem but noted that it was "fixed promptly by Oscar (Friday night during the cocktail party)." Now THAT'S service!
 One of our Mexican guests expressed a common sentiment: "Me gusto bastante la vista, el servicio y la decoracion. Los voy a extrañar." (I very much liked the view, the service and the décor. I'm going to miss you.)
 When asked what we could do to improve the experience, the only thing guest Meyer could think of was, "let me stay free!"
  As one of the world's finest boutique resort hotels for gay men, lesbians and friends, Casa Cupula has built a reputation since 2002 for services and luxury equal to any mainstream 5 star resort. The Private Residences at Casa Cupula offers a way to combine the best of both worlds: hotel living with the benefits of vacation home ownership. For more information please visit www.casacupula.com or call 866-352-2511. |

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