|  |  | News from Around Banderas Bay | May 2009  
Restrictions Lifted in Puerto Vallarta, Chapala
Guadalajara Reporter go to original Tuesday, 12 May 2009

| |  | According to the Guadalajara Reporter, Jalisco Governor Emilio Gonzalez has lifted restrictions in some areas of the state. Tuesday, they reported that:

 | Governor Emilio Gonzalez has given bars, clubs and cinemas in 98 of Jalisco’s 125 municipalities the green light to reopen.
 Chapala and Puerto Vallarta – areas with large U.S. and Canadian populations – are among the municipalities where the restrictions have been lifted.
 As well as bars and movie theaters, the governor last Friday ordered gyms, museums, cemeteries and sports arenas to stay shut.
 All schools throughout the entire state, however, must remain closed until Monday, May 18.
 Fears that the influenza A-H1N1 outbreak may not have peaked in Jalisco prompted the governor to ban large-scale public events and quarantine schools and some businesses for another week. Meanwhile, many other parts of Mexico, including Mexico City, returned to a regular routine this week.
 Federal health authorities have not confirmed a single case of A-H1N1 influenza in any of the 98 municipalities given the reprieve. According to the Jalisco Health Department, there are 29 suspected cases in Puerto Vallarta and eight in Chapala. But because of a backlog at Mexico City laboratories, it may be some time before these specimens are tested.
 The governor announced Tuesday that the number of confirmed A-H1N1 cases in Jalisco is 36.
 As promised last week, the State Health Department has launched an informational website, informacioninfluenza.jalisco.gob.mx, which lists 178 "probable" cases and 2,178 "suspected" cases of the virus in Jalisco.
 Gonzalez said Monday that medical staff at hopsitals and clinics had treated 7,000 people in Jalisco for flu-like symptoms, although he did not specify when this information started to be collated.
 Check the Jalisco government's recently launched running total of confirmed, probable & suspected swine flu cases in the state. |  |

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