|  |  | News Around the Republic of Mexico | May 2009  
We Will Break the Circle of Crime: President Calderón
Presidencia de la República go to original

| Closing ceremony of 5th International Congress on Victims of Terrorism. (Presidencia de la República) |  | President Felipe Calderón said that Latin America is at a historic point whereby the decisions made today will determine the defeat of the threat of violence and international terrorism.
 “Terrorism is not a problem of a single family or an isolated nation but of everyone; it is a problem that affects mankind as a whole. It is a global development that must be dealt with using international cooperation,” he said.
 At the closing ceremony of the 5th International Congress on Victims of Terrorism, the Mexican president said that since terrorism is the worst threat to international peace and insecurity, it requires the combined efforts of all societies and nations.
 Addressing an audience that included President of Colombia, Álvaro Uribe, he said that the vicious circle of impunity and crime must be broken and that in this task, leaders are responsible for dealing with it despite the difficulties involved.
 “This vicious circle must be broken despite the costs involved in crime and terror, hence the importance of the firm action of government, and the determination and bravery of those entrusted with the task of government by the people themselves," he said.
 At the Teatro Metropolitano de Medellín, atended by victims of terrorism, President Calderón said that it is a serious matter when leaders are overcome by terror and urged them not to stop fighting criminals out of fear or for political reasons.
 “What we can say to the victims of Mexico and the world is that we will not cease our efforts or rest until this nightmare has been eradicated for ever," he said.
 He said that in the case of Mexico, the point is to move towards an integral security strategy. He added that yesterday, the Diario Oficial de la Federation published the Law of Elimination of Ownership, permitting the expropriation of assets used by criminals against citizens and the creation of a fund designed to compensate crime victims.
 “We must be united in order, as said earlier, to take strong measures against the cruel to avoid being cruel to the weak. I regard this as my commitment which is why the voice of the world's victims makes us strong and brave and encourages us to continue dealing firmly with those capable of committing unacceptably cruel acts against mankind," he said. |

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