|  |  | News from Around Banderas Bay | June 2009  
Hurricane Preparedness List
Kelly Trainor de O. – U.S. Consular Agent Vallarta June 02, 2009

| Looking out over La Palapa Restaurant's rooftop at the waves crashing over Los Muertos Beach Pier during Hurricane Kenna on October 25th, 2002. |  | Related: Travel Alert: Hurricane Season Underway
 The 2009 Eastern Pacific hurricane and tropical storm season officially started on May 15, and will end on November 30th. The US consular in Puerto Vallarta has released the following list of emergency items that every citizen living in or traveling to storm-prone regions should have on hand during hurricane season.
 Water - at least 1 gallon daily per person for 3 to 7 days
 Food - at least enough for 3 to 7 days • non-perishable packaged or canned food / juices • special foods for infants or the elderly • snack foods • non-electric can opener • cooking tools / fuel • paper plates / plastic utensils
 Blankets / Pillows, etc.
 Clothing - seasonal / rain gear/ sturdy shoes
 First Aid Kit / Medicines / Prescription Drugs
 Special Items - for babies and the elderly
 Toiletries / Hygiene items / Moisture wipes
 Flashlight / Batteries
 Radio - Battery operated and NOAA weather radio
 Telephones - Fully charged cell phone with extra battery and a traditional (not cordless) telephone set
 Cash (with some small bills) and Credit Cards - Banks and ATMs may not be available for extended periods
 Toys, Books and Games
 Important documents - in a waterproof container or watertight resealable plastic bag • insurance, medical records, bank account numbers, Social Security card, etc.
 Tools - keep a set with you during the storm
 Vehicle fuel tanks filled
 Pet care items • proper identification / immunization records / medications • ample supply of food and water • a carrier or cage • muzzle and leash
 The U.S. Consular Agency in Vallarta is located at Paseo de los Cocoteros #85 Sur Paradise Plaza, Interior Local L-7, Nuevo Vallarta, Nayarit 63732. For more information, call (322) 223-0069 or email consularagentpvr(at)prodigy.net.mx. |

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