|  |  | News Around the Republic of Mexico | June 2009  
No Exemptions for Corrupt Officials: Calderón
Presidencia de la República go to original

| President Felipe Calderón leads the 26th Session of National Security Council. (Presidencia de la República) |  | Mexico City - President Felipe Calderón said that it is crucial to eliminate the networks of complicity organized crime has established in security and justice institutions at the federal, state and municipal level for the benefit of citizens.
 “I am sure we agree over the pressing need to destroy the networks of complicity and coverage organized crime has established in the institutions in charge of security and justice, at the federal, state and municipal, regardless of the authorities’ political or party affiliations,” he said.
 During the inauguration of the 26th Session of the National Security Council, the President, accompanied by the country's governors as well as the Mayor of Mexico City said that there will be no political consideration for government officials that betray society's trust by working in the service of crime. He urged them to fight this battle together, through a coordinated strategy combining the efforts of all the powers and orders of government.
 “In this struggle, there is no room for hesitation, division or disloyalty. Any government official who betrays society's trust and decides to serve criminals rather than Mexicans should know that there will be no party exemption or political consideration to spare them from justice," he said.
 At the Treasury Hall of the National Palace, President Calderón said that in this grave threat to society, state authorities face enemies whose power of corruption, intimidation and threat does not distinguish between party affiliations or orders of government. He therefore urged police commanders to close ranks to combat this threat together, since what is at stake is the future of Mexican democracy and legal development.
 “The scope of the challenge is enormous but we cannot nor must not cease our efforts in the slightest. On the contrary, it is time to redouble our efforts, because it is our responsibility and challenges brook no delay.
 He said that the reason why his government has launched a battle against crime and organized crime is to turn Mexico into a country where security, order and law prevail, where children and young people are free of addictions and families can live together peacefully.
 “Mexico needs us to be firmly united. Let us continue for the sake of Mexicans. Let us achieve a Mexico in which there are no communities condemned to live in the shadow of fear and violence of groups which, through weapons and illegality, seek to take over the authorities and their communities," he said.
 He also listed the results obtained since the last session of the Security Council, such as the Federal Telecommunications Law, the Federal Law to Eliminate Ownership and the Federal Police Law which authorizes the police to prevent and investigate crimes more efficiently.
 President Calderón also mentioned those captured during the Joint Operations against organized crime, including Miguel Ángel Soto Parra, founder of the Zetas; Napoleón Mendoza Aguirre, El Napo, a member of the Cárdenas Guillén organization and the person responsible for the murder of General Mauro Enrique Tello; and Sigifredo Nájera Talamantes, alias El Canicón, responsible for the torture and execution of nine soldiers in Monterrey. |

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