|  |  | Technology News | June 2009  
Federal Government Revamps Websites
Ivonne Melgar - Presidencia de la República go to original June 20, 2009
 Mexico City - In order to reach YouTube’s youth public, which already totals seven million Mexican users, the Presidency relaunched federal government's New Channel (www.youtube.com/user/gobiernofederal).
 The presentation of these changes in both design and access to the 434 longest videos took place this week, which was also marked in Los Pinos by the fact that Mexican government information is now available on other websites.
 President Felipe Calderón’s activities and updates of federal administration's portal are now relayed through brief, 140-character messages uploaded to Twitter, creating a sort of diary.
 Government images are now available on Flickr with over four thousand photographs.
 Andrés Gómez, director general of the President's Internet System, explained that although government information has been available on YouTube since April 2008, the website has been relaunched since it now has access to unlimited time, meaning that it can broadcast and reproduce speeches by Calderón and members of his cabinet, which usually last between 13 and 20 minutes, and offer high-quality options for users.
 The new Federal Government Channel on this community platform obtains its information from five new videos reporting on events on the presidential agenda, and security and economic issues, two topics which, according to Los Pinos officials, are of greatest interest to this specific public ages 13 to 25.
 The President's Internet project has another goal: to attract more users from the million that access YouTube in Mexico through the latest cell phone technology.
 “There are approximately 80 million cell phone users in Mexico,” said Gómez Herrera in an interview. And although we realize that not all of them are equipped with the latest technology, the trend is in that direction. That is why our channel is now available on iPod and Blackberry cell phones.
 “It will now be possible to listen to a complete speech by President Calderón on those cell phones,” explained. |

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