|  |  | Business News | June 2009  
Competitiveness Report Analyses Nation's Crisis
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 Mexico City - The World Economic Forum released The Mexico Competitiveness Report 2009, the first-ever study of this type for Mexico. Using the Global Competitiveness Index's methodology and the latest thinking in competitiveness research, The Mexico Competitiveness Report 2009 provides a comprehensive overview of the country's current competitiveness landscape, highlighting strengths and problematic areas.
 Ranked 60th in the Global Competitiveness Index 2008-2009, Mexico presents important strengths in its market size, sophisticated business sector and diversified production structure, as well as in its sound macroeconomics fundamentals. However, a number of weaknesses remain in the quality of institutions, goods and labour markets, education standards and its innovation potential. The report is the result of collaboration between the World Economic Forum and Harvard University.
 The editors of the report are Ricardo Hausmann of Harvard University, and Emilio Lozoya Austin and Irene Mia of World Economic Forum.
 The Mexico Competitiveness Report 2009 is published at a critical time in Mexico's definition of a national roadmap towards increased competitiveness and is intended as a useful tool for national policy-makers, business strategists and other relevant stakeholders in identifying the main impediments to growth as well as identifying best policies and practices required to address the latter.
 In the preface of the report, Klaus Schwab, Executive Chairman in the World Economic Forum, says that "in the last decade or so, Mexico has made impressive progress toward achieving macroeconomic stability and liberalizing and opening its economy, leaving behind a recent past of recurring financial crises linked to changes in the administrations, oil price volatility, and fiscal excesses, among other factors, and establishing a solid foundation for sustainable long-term economic growth".
 The findings of the report will be discussed at the Mexico Competitiveness Workshop, organized by the World Economic Forum and the Secretariat of the Economy of Mexico. Participating in this in this unique public/private sector dialogue along with dozens of business leaders will be Felipe Calderón, President of MAcxico; Agustin Carstens, Secretary of Finance of Mexico; Francisco Gómez Mont, Secretary of the Interior of Mexico; and Alonso Lujambio, Secretary of Public Education of Mexico. |

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