|  |  | Business News | June 2009  
Mexico Set to Recover International Leadership as Petroleum Power: President Calderón
Presidencia de la República go to original June 12, 2009
 Boca del Río, Veracruz - President Felipe Calderón declared that the national petroleum industry has the potential to continue being the trigger for development that will enable Mexico to become the modern, developed, competitive country we want.
 "Our aim is very clear: We will recover the position of leadership Mexico is entitled to in the world as a petroleum power. That way we will be able to trigger our country's growth and development in the coming decades," he stressed.
 During the inauguration of the 2009 Mexican Petroleum Congress in Boca del Río, Veracruz, the President repeated that his government is committed to promoting the changes this sector requires in order to create conditions of greater well-being for Mexicans.
 Accompanied by State Governor, Fidel Herrera Beltrán, and Secretaries of Energy, Georgina Kessel Martínez, and Finance and Public Credit, Agustín Carstens Carstens, President Calderón stressed that Petróleos Mexicanos’ fate will depend on timely, firm decisions to transform the parastate company.
 "We are convinced that if we all act responsibly, the parastate company, owned by all Mexicans, will be in a better position to carry out the great works Mexico requires in the energy sector."
 Addressing an audience that included Jesús Reyes Heroles, Director General of PEMEX, and Carlos Romero Deschamps, Secretary General of the Petroleum Union, President Felipe Calderón said that it is important for Petróleos Mexicanos to overcome its prejudices, since they prevent it from adopting state-of-the-art technology.
 "I am convinced that it is important for PEMEX to overcome its political and ideological prejudices, which are sometimes merely based on vested interests, that have prevented it from staying ahead, where it always should be, as regards technology and investment," he said.
 He also stressed the importance of approving the reform to strengthen Petróleos Mexicanos, which includes new mechanisms for transparency and reinforcing its corporate government and the inclusion of independent advisors.
 But, he added, it is essential for this reform to eradicate favoritism and corruption, even in the way contracts are awarded.
 "The reform must also eliminate favoritism and corruption in various sectors, including the way contracts are assigned," he said.
 He said that despite the world economic crisis affecting the country, this administration ahs boosted investment in PEMEX infrastructure, which has risen from $170 billion pesos in 2007 to $202 billion in 2008, representing a 20% increase. This year, $227 billion pesos have been authorized, which will guarantee the future of the petroleum industry.
 "All these actions are designed to consolidate PEMEX as a fundamental pillar of economic growth," he said. |

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