|  |  | News Around the Republic of Mexico | July 2009  
Economic Recovery a Task for Everyone: President Calderón
Presidencia de la República go to original July 18, 2009

| President Felipe Calderón launches México Emprende Centers to support small and medium businesses. |  | Mexico City - President Felipe Calderón urged Mexicans to join forces to restore country's economic growth, since he said that this is not only a task for Federal Government or for society alone.
 “Rest assured that Federal Government will continue directing the economy firmly at these difficult times," said the President at the Inauguration of the México Emprende Centers at the headquarters of the Mexican Chamber of the Construction Industry (CMIC).
 Accompanied by Economy Secretary Gerardo Ruiz Mateos, the President explained that these centers form part of government's integral strategy targeting micro, small and medium firms, PyMES to provide them with technical assessment and bank credits.
 He said that businessmen will be able to have access to the México Emprende System through CMIC of the National Chamber of the Manufacturing Industry (CANACINTRA), a toll-free number, 01-800-910-0910 and the Internet portal: www.mexicoemprende.com.
 The President declared that the goal for 2009 is for 160 of these centers to operate, which will serve as a gateway for businessmen and provide firms with 1,700 financing, accounting and business consultants.
 “We need to give free rein to society's impulse and vigor and open the way for firms in Mexico. We must, for once and for all, put an end to the demonizing of firms and businessmen that has prevailed in Mexico for many years.
 Addressing an audience of Mexican business chambers, confederations, associations and organizations, President Calderón said that despite the international economic crisis, this administration is supporting PyMES more than ever. Proof of this is the financing it has provided for $35 billion pesos, 61% more than last year, together with the Temporary Employment and Employment Preservation Programs.
 “In a crisis marked by the contraction of credit, we have multiplied the amount of credit available to PyMES throughout the country. Thus, with more resources, advice, and better services, we are using deeds to support businessmen.
 He stressed that this package of contra-cyclical measures implemented by his government have been acknowledged by the International Monetary Fund as the third most important of all the emerging economies in the Group of 20.
 “Today the order for all Mexicans is: unite to expand our economy, unite to create the jobs we need and unite to trigger our country's enormous economic potential," he said. |

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