|  |  | News Around the Republic of Mexico | July 2009  
No Wavering in War on Drugs
Ricardo Castillo - The News go to original July 17, 2009

| Secretary of the Interior, Fernando Gomez Mont (CUARTOSCURO/SEGOB) |  | In a rare move, politicians from all shades and colors Thursday firmly stood behind the position taken by the Calderón Administration - not to negotiate or even talk to criminal gangs.
 "There's no going back against organized crime," echoed several senators after the Secretary of the Interior, Fernando Gomez Mont, on Wednesday night went on national television to air a reaction to a call from a gang leader to "make a pact" with the federal government.
 The government, announced Gomez Mont, will not negotiate with any criminal group.
 On Wednesday, a man identified as Servando Gomez, aka "La Tuta", called a radio station in Morelia, Michoacán, and offered to talk and "make a deal" with president Felipe Calderón. Gómez identified himself as the leader of the criminal organization known as "La Familia."
 National Action Party (PAN) Senator Alejandro González of Baja California said these groups are beginning to come out in the open because "they've been hit very hard."
 "There should be no deal at all and there is no turning back in this war."
 Administration critic Mario López of the Institutional Revolutionary Party added the only thing the government has "for these criminals is deaf ears."
 He added that striking a deal with them would be a betrayal to the more than 12,000 dead in the war on drugs.
 "What I agree on," with secretary Gomez Mont is that "at this point we can't waver, we can't stop in this war. There is no other choice." |

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