|  |  | News Around the Republic of Mexico | July 2009  
Police Arrest Members of Gang that Abducted and Killed Fernando Martí and Antonio Equiahua
Notimex go to original July 17, 2009

| (Presidencia de la República) |  | Mexico City - Federal Police arrested two members of the Los Petriciolet gang that abducted and killed teenagers Fernando Martí and Antonio Equihua, according to SSP Intelligence Coordinator for Crime Prevention Luis Cárdenas Palomino.
 During the conference, the Public Federal Security Secretary (SSP) said that Noé Robles and José Antonio Montiel, captured in a safe house in Xochimilco, are linked to a further 14 abductions and murders.
 The Los Petriciolet gang comprises three groups of clearly identified criminals who abducted wealthy businessmen and their children, whom they "picked up" together with their drivers and guards to obtain large sums of money for their release.
 Cárdenas Palomino said that the Federal Police have no evidence that "El Apá" and "La Lore" formed part of the gang led by Abel Silva Petriciolet, who is still at large.
 Cárdenas showed the media Noé Robles or Noé Soto aged 31 who was responsible for intercepting and murdering the victims and José Antonio Montiel, aged 34 who supervised the hostages.
 In a video, Robles admitted having murdered the two young sons of businessmen and also tried to kill Martí's bodyguard, adding that he subsequently found out through the media that he was still alive.
 The two men were arrested in Francisco Sarabia 39 in the village of Santa Cecilia Tepetlapa Delegación Xochimilco, where two victims of these alleged kidnappers were released.
 Continuing with their investigations, federal agents located another safe house in Arabia Street, on the corner of Ojo de Agua, in Ejidos de San Pedro Mártir, delegación Tlalpan.
 Cárdenas Palomino said that the survivor of Fernando Martí's abduction was taken to the safe house and recognized the place where he had been held in captivity with the businessmen's son.
 There have been another 14 abductions using the same modus operandi: Through false police roadblocks and involving the participation of a woman.
 During the recording, Noé Robles said that he did not know any of the alleged kidnappers of Fernando Martí presented by the General Prosecutor's Office of the Federal District on television and in the newspapers, adding that they had not taken part in the kidnapping.
 Cárdenas Palomino said that this is the group of kidnappers that leave a flower next to their victims but that they decided to call them the “Los Petriciolet” gang after the leader of this criminal gang.
 He explained that this gang began to operate in 2005 and that its first leader was Abel Silva, the father of the current leader. In 2008, it was led by Marco Antonio Pérez and is currently led by Abel Silva Petriciolet, still on the run.
 Cárdenas Palomino said that Noé Robles’ description of the woman that took part in the false roadblocks is totally different from “La Lore” accused by the PGJDF of taking part in Martí’s abduction.
 He added that “El Apá" is not linked to this band, known to have murdered at least 8 of the 14 abduction victims related to these persons to date.
 He added that this gang includes a former judicial policeman and that work is underway to identify other possible agents from another corporation. Other members of this gang, which has been followed since 2005, have been arrested. |

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