|  |  | Americas & Beyond | July 2009  
1,500 US National Guard Troops To Border
Ben Swann - KTSM News go to original July 01, 2009

| A Mexican soldier walks along the U.S.-Mexico border fence during an operation against drug smugglers in Tijuana, Mexico, Monday, June 29, 2009. (AP/Guillermo Arias) |  | 1,500 National Guard volunteers will be used to support the existing counter-drug program on the border with Mexico.
 That includes in Texas and New mexico. The plan's being worked out between the Defense Department and Homeland Security.
 The program would use guardsmen for surveillance, intelligence analysis, and aviation support.
 They would also supply ground troops who help at border crossings.
 Without President Obama's insistence, this plan would not happen. The Defense Department is worried the use of national guard troops will be seen as militarizing the region.
 Homeland Security Chief Janet Napolitano has been reluctant about the use of guardsmen on the border. |

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