Mexico, Ideal Destination for Investment and Strategic Alliances: President Calderón
Presidencia de la República go to original July 24, 2009

| President Calderón inaugurates Nestlé Group's flexible manufacturing installations. |  | Querétaro, Qro - On tour in the state of Querétaro, President Felipe Calderón declared that Mexico is a good place to invest, since it has the advantages of a competitive, producing country in the manufacturing sector, in addition to being one of the world's most important growing markets.
 “It is not only good to invest in Mexico to sell in the world or Latin America, it is good to invest in Mexico to sell in Mexico, because it is an expanding market," he added.
 During his inauguration of the Nestlé Group's Flexible Manufacturing installations, the Mexican president told the country's dairy producers about the start of the 2009 Stage of the National Fund for Milk Stabilization, with an investment of’$140 million pesos.
 He said that this year alone, the Fund will help 2,200 producers process over 1,600,000 liters of milk.
 Accompanied by state governor Francisco Garrido, President Calderón added that in the last year and a half, Nestlé has invested $6.7 billion pesos in Querétaro and created over a thousand direct jobs.
 “Despite the enormously complex world economic situation created by the international crisis that began last year, there are many firms such as Nestlé, firms with global vision and projection, that know that Mexico is an excellent place to invest, establish strategic alliances, produce highly competitive products and conquer new markets,” he said. |