|  |  | News Around the Republic of Mexico | August 2009  
Federal Government Will Support Higher Education: Felipe Calderón
Presidencia de la República go to original August 25, 2009

| Olympiad, President Felipe Calderón leads inaugural ceremony of National University Festival 2009 . |  | Cuernavaca, Morelos - During the inauguration of the 2009 National University Olympiad, President Felipe Calderón declared that despite the international economic crisis, his government will continue to support higher education, as borne out by the federal budget assigned to Mexican universities over the past three years, which rose from $61 billion pesos to nearly $80 billion pesos, in other words, a 27% increase.
 “And although times are really difficult due to the world economic crisis, rest assured that we will continue working day after day to create new spaces for young people who will be able to achieve their dream of quality university training and who will have better life opportunities," he said.
 At the University of the State of Morelos, the President said that he will continue supporting universities, since they are the site of one the country’s main needs and challenges.
 Accompanied by Public Education Secretary, Alonso Lujambio Irazábal, as well as state governor Marco Antonio Adame, President Calderón highlighted the importance of sport which, he said, is the basis of a healthier life, which is why his administration is working to make sport a mass activity through the Get Active, Live Better Program.
 “Only sport will enable us to become a better country. Because sport helps us with lots of things: It contributes to our physical development, of course, but it also helps us study better by improving our physical condition, which is essential for having the right degree of concentration and perseverance. Discipline creates sportsmen and in turn, sport prevents diseases that would be extremely difficult and costly to cure," he said.
 The President added that sport permits a safer society, because "criminals' recruitment networks spread among young people to trap them through addictions and recruit them as cannon fodder before they die in the streets as a result of fights between criminals."
 During the 13th edition of the National University Festival, President Calderón urged the young competitors to make an effort, reminding them that these sports events have produced world competitors, such as Tae Kwon Do players Rosario Espinosa and Guillermo Pérez and divers Paola Espinosa and Tatiana Ortiz. |

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