|  |  | News Around the Republic of Mexico | August 2009  
Federal Government has Clear Commitment to Complying with and Enforcing the Law: President Calderón
Presidencia de la República go to original August 21, 2009

| President Felipe Calderón inaugurates Invest Mexico Forum 2009. |  | Mexico City - President Felipe Calderón declared that as part of his government's efforts to guarantee safety for Mexicans and legal certainty for investment, the biggest gangs of kidnappers and those that loom largest in the population's minds have been captured.
 He said that all the factors that combine to create investment count when it comes to making a business decision. “Legally certainty counts, for example. That is why government has striven so hard to reinforce the rule of law in our country. It is not only because of its unquestionable value, which is to ensure Mexicans’ safety. It is also because, in order to ensure that Mexico is considered and acknowledged as a country worldwide, Government has a clear commitment to the law to comply with it and enforce it.
 He added,“We have never denied that we have problems. So much so that we have devoted ourselves to solving them, to coping with them with determination and without hesitation or any consideration for the costs and risks entailed by solving this problem,” he said.
 During his inauguration of Invest Mexico Forum 2009, he said that one of the main objectives of the Mexican Government is to turn our country into a privileged investment destination worldwide.
 In this respect, the President said that we are on the right track to overcoming our problems and pulling the country through too.
 Recently, he said, several studies have shown that as part of the readjustment taking place in the world after such as severe crisis, Mexico has emerged with an enormous advantage. According to several global indicators, it is in a better position than the economies that competed with us during the past decade such as China and India and large economies in the region, such as Brazil's.
 “Today, although it is not sufficient and not what anyone would wish for his country, we are already experiencing incipient but encouraging signs of recovery, such as the fact that Mexican exports grew nearly 5% in June over May of this same year,” he said.
 Accompanied by Governor of Nayarit, Ney González Sánchez, as well as Secretaries of the Economy and Tourism, Gerardo Ruiz Mateos and Rodolfo Elizondo Torres, respectively, he added that electricity consumption levels in July reached the levels they had last year, in other words, before the crisis.
 Moreover, he said that in two months, nearly 35,000 new jobs have been recorded at the Social Security Institute.
 He explained that there seems to be an enormous amount of chaos and lack of security in Mexico but that the homicide rate for every one hundred thousand inhabitants, which measures the degree of violence in a country, is 12 for every hundred thousand whereas in other countries, such as Colombia, for example, it is 38 for every hundred thousand, as opposed to 24 in Brazil, with figures being even higher in El Salvador and Guatemala.
 “Whereas in Mexico the homicide rate for every hundred thousand is 12, in US cities such as New Orleans, for example, the rate is 67 homicides for every 100,000 inhabitants. However, we are making this effort to ensure a sharp contrast between Mexico and other countries,” he declared.
 Due to this, the President added:
 “I can assure you that Mexico has definitive advantages, not only insofar as the fact that government and society are striving to boost them every day, which is what we are determined to do but because the day will come when all Mexicans decide to talk clearly and objectively about the enormous advantages of our country.
 He stated that objectively stating Mexico’s many advantages and discussing the advantages that it offers is the right way to promote business and expand trade and tourism.
 He congratulated CONCANACO-SERVyTUR on the organization of Invest México Forum 2009, since this is “the hardest part, because paradoxically, the hardest part seems to be to speak well of Mexico.” For many people, running down the country is not only an everyday activity but something from which they make a living, in my view." |

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