Mexican Economy Shows Encouraging Signs of Recovery: President Calderón
Presidencia de la República go to original August 02, 2009

| President Felipe Calderón welcome ceremony for Cuauhtémoc boat, el Caballero de los Mares. |  | Acapulco, Guerrero - On the arrival of the Cuauhtémoc Boat of the Mexican navy, President Felipe Calderón said that now, as its crew members are arriving in Mexico, the Mexican economy has shown encouraging signs of recovery, as in the case of the job creation, 20,000 of which were created in June.
 “When the Cuauhtémoc set sail from this same jetty in February, I said that on its return, in August, we hoped that Mexico would be able to overcome the worst moment of this world economic environment and that it would be working hard to restore its growth. Today, on your arrival, our economy is beginning slowly but encouragingly to show some of these signs," he said.
 In the port of Acapulco, accompanied by his wife, Margarita Zavala, as well as state governor Zeferino Torreblan, the President said that exports, which had fallen by up to 42%, had already experienced a monthly increase of nearly 5% in June, reflecting the recovery in th demand for Mexican products.
 He added that Mexico's employment rate, which reached levels of 6.1% in May, fell to 5.6% in June.
 “As I have said insistently, and will say again. Let there be no doubt. Mexico will overcome this crisis, however serious it has been and emerge stronger from it," he said.
 In a speech to the Mexican navy, President Felipe Calderón hailed the work of the Navy, which has been present in natural disasters, for the support it offered during the recent outbreak of the AH1N1 human virus and in its efforts to recover and strengthen public security and construct a country of order, laws and liberties.
 “In short, Mexico has a naval force which is the basis and pillar of the democratic rule of law," he said.
 During the ceremony, attended by Secretaries of the Interior, Fernando Gómez Mont; the Navy, Mariano Francisco Saynez Mendoza; National Defense, Guillermo Galván Galván, and Foreign Affairs, Patricia Espinosa Cantellano, the Mexican president said that this institution plays a key role in achieving the national objectives enshrined in the Constitution, which is to defend Mexico and guarantee the country's sovereignty and domestic security.
 “Preserving domestic security also involves using constitutionally established force, included the Army, on those that illegally attempt to impose themselves on Mexicans' lives and community conditions, disturbing their tranquility and order," he said.
 That is why, he said, Federal Government is striving to strengthen the Mexican navy, as borne out by the 75% increase in its budget to promote the modernization of its marine fleet, such as the new ocean patrol, Independence, made in Mexico and equipped with state of the art weapons and technology.
 “With this same determination, Mexican society and government have striven and will continue to strive and have combined wills with all political and social actors so that our country, like you, will be able to pull through and overcome such complex challenges," he said.
 El Caballero de los Mares, as the Cuauhtémoc Boat is also known, set sail on February 15 this year, as part of the Japan 2009 Instruction to participate in the festivities of the 400 years of maritime communication between Mexico and Asia in the Nao of China route. |