Paraguay Landless Try Crucifixion to Get Attention
Associated Press go to original August 06, 2009

| Homeless people take part in a protest, with their hands punctured by nails, in Asuncion, Thursday, Aug. 6, 2009. The people, part of the group, Movimiento de los Sin Techo, or the Without Roof Movement, held the protest Thursday to call for assistance from the government to the homeless. (AP Photo/Jorge Saenz) |  | Asuncion, Paraguay — It's a gruesome tradition in Paraguay that gets results, at least from leftist priest-turned president Fernando Lugo. A half-dozen protesters have hammered long nails through their hands and tied themselves to crosses or laid in coffins in an appeal for land.
 One woman even sewed her mouth shut so she can only drink liquids. They joined hundreds of Indians from the Mbya and Ava Guarani tribes who are holding their own demonstrations for land and food.
 Activist Ricardo Valenzuela said they would stay nailed to crosses until Lugo meets their needs.
 Social Development Minister Pablino Caceres responded Thursday, saying he would meet with the group. |