|  |  | Business News | August 2009  
President Calderón Inaugurates 2009 Government Expo Purchases
Presidencia de la República go to original August 19, 2009

| President Calderón calls for an end to corrupt practices in Federal Government purchases. |  | Mexico City - President Felipe Calderón said Federal Government is determined to reinforce and increase its support for entrepreneurs so that they will become consolidated as an engine of the economy, since millions of enterprising Mexicans constitute the main source of job creation.
 During the inauguration of 2009 Expo Government Purchases, the President declared that Federal Government is one of the main purchasers of goods and services and that it is precisely this purchasing power that will be translated into opportunities for growth for Mexican firms.
 “At Expo Government Purchases, entrepreneurs find the orientation and advice they need to be able to sell to government. I would like to invite you to take advantage of this space to approach those responsible for Federal Government purchases and hear from those responsible for government offices what the needs of this office are, what procedures they have established and what options they have in order for you to be able to identify and open up new business opportunities,” he said.
 Addressing the directors of Federal Government offices in the Economic Cabinet, President Calderón said that the the point is to make Government purchases not merely an administrative procedure but rather a key activity that will promote the growth and development of Mexico. He urged businessmen to help the purchase and sale of goods and services to be carried out with the greatest possible honesty and transparency, since corrupt practices are harmful to the country and must be eradicated.
 “It is essential for Mexico not only to channel all government's efforts into purchasing from small and medium firms but to do this properly, transparently, and honestly, which will make a difference for the benefit of our country," he said.
 He indicated that the goal of 20% of purchases from small and medium Mexican firms by Federal Government has been exceeded and in the future, the goal will be to achieve 35% through a new, more efficient and transparent scheme.
 He listed four actions implemented by his administration to achieve this: Seventeen billion pesos have been assigned for purchasing exclusively from PyMES through a series of tenders announced recently. Major reforms of the Law of Acquisitions and Public Works have been promoted to accelerate and facilitate the process of integration of PyMES as Federal Government suppliers. PEMEX has initiated a program for training firms as suppliers for this parastate company, to which it has assigned 5 billion pesos and lastly, more financing has been made available to MIPyMES through new measures by Nacional Financiera.
 President Calderón said that Mexico needs everyone to return to the path of economic growth, which is why he asked business to explore these new tools for strengthening their businesses, adding that standardized forms and processes will be made available to facilitate the process of purchasing from the government.
 “I invite you and the many business leaders accompanying us today and all the firms and organizations in Mexico to approach Federal Government, to come to this Expo Sales, Expo Federal Government sales to directly ask civil servants and find out how they can sell to government and see what we need from Mexican firms and for them to use the supports, credits, and consultancy services, which I did not mention, which are offered by México Emprende, run by the Economy Secretariat, to use the purchasing programs we have for you,” he said. |

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