|  |  | Business News | August 2009  
Octopus Season has a Slow Start
Notimex go to original August 04, 2009
 While first statistical reporting on the octopus market will be issued at the end of this week, the coastal fishermen of Campeche reported a low catch on the first day of octopus fishing Sunday. Those that were caught were small, between 15 and 60 kilos, with an average sale price of 50 pesos per kilo.
 The Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fish and Nutrition (SAGARPA), reported the capture of the most octopi in the town of Sabancuy, followed by Campeche, Champoton, Seybaplaya and Isla Arena.
 The fisheries of SAGARPA reported that the agency cannot regulate prices of octopus and is based on supply and demand.
 With a total of more than 1,500 fishing boats, the trade union reported the activity of only 60 percent, while the rest await the first three days for price stabilization.
 The majority of the vessels (consisting of mostly small boats without motors) remained grounded waiting for reconnaissance craft to return with information on the areas with the most production of biomass.
 Discreet participation of officers of the National Fisheries and Aquaculture (CONAPESCA) to verify that all vessels held valid permits was noted, but no incidents were reported. |

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