|  |  | News from Around Banderas Bay | September 2009  
BINGO for Beans and Babies Reaches Goal
pvrpv.com go to original September 19, 2009

| BINGO for Beans and Babies is being held every Thursday from 6-9 pm until October 1st at Bite me! Beach Club. For reservations call (322) 223-1521, ext 234. |  | Thursday, September 17 marked the second to last BINGO for Beans and Babies at Bite me! Beach Club. 59 people showed up to play, raising $13,287 pesos for Pasitos de Luz and surpassing our original goal of $100,000 pesos - and we still have one more BINGO night, plus the closing party to go!
 This week's guest caller was Paul Crist from Hotel Mercurio. Though nervous at first, Paul quickly warmed to the task and even requested another guest spot in the future. ‘Muchas Gracias Paul!
 There were many great prizes up for grabs, and this weeks lucky winners were:
 Game 1: Bill Kelly & Don Hughes
 Game 2: Dennis Smith
 Game 3: Toby Spang
 Game 4: Joyce Fidler
 Game 5: Anna Reisman
 Game 6: Margaret Souder
 Game 7: Marcia Escontria
 Game 8: Juan Carlos Garcia
 The 50/50 raffle prize was won by none other than Grant Hunermund of Bite me! Beach Club. Grant donated the $1705 pesos to Pasitos de Luz. Jerry Wilson won one of the door prizes, a gift basket donated by regular bingo-ers Yogi and Cheryl.
 Charlotte Semple took home a gift basket donated by Nina Goodhope of La Bodega de Nina, and Don Hughes won a 1 year full page ad on BanderasNews.com, which he donated to Bite me! Beach Club.

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 And Javier Castaneda won the free ticket to our fabulous Mad Hatter Party. Speaking of Parties...
 Don't forget about our wrap party on October 1, and definitely don't forget your hat! Be it a bowler, a ball cap, a wedding veil or sombrero, the craziest and most outrageous hat will win yet another terrific prize. So plug in your glue gun and start planning.
 "Mad Hatter Party" will be at Bite me! Beach Club in the seaside lounge Thursday October 1st, 2009 from 7 pm until the wee hours. The evening will feature a benefit concert by award winning singer Kim Kuzma and free nibbles from Bite me! Beach Club.
 We will also be drawing our raffles prizes which include:
 6 nights 7 day at Blue Seas Resort & Spa plus daily breakfast for 2 - Value $1500 USD
 2 nights 3 days at Molino De Agua compliments of Ross and Sandra - Value $800 USD
 Sunset Cruise for 8 with Pegaso Chartering - Value $3500 MN
 Cocktail party for 8 compliments of Food By Seth - Value $4000 MN
 3 hour Bay Cruise with Sail Vallarta - Value $3500 MN
 Original Painting by Cassandra Shaw - Value $5000 MN
 7 nights at Jardin del Almendro compliments of Tracy Parks - Value $875 USD
 2 nights at Studio Sevilla compliments of Ron Morgan - Value $390 USD
 2 nights at Molino De Agua compliments of Ron Morgan - Value $990 USD
 2 nights at Casa de Sevilla compliments of Ron Morgan - Value $500 USD
 2 nights 3 days Penthouse Andale's On The Bay - Value $850 USD
 Photo shoot compliments of Joseph Kandoll - Value $5000 MN
 One year of free advertising on BanderasNews.com - Value $5000 MN
 Original painting by Lalo Morales - Value $8000 MN
 Original hand-painted vase by Manuel Morales - Value $990 USD
 This will truly be a night to remember. Ticket are $50 pesos only and available at PVRPV, Bite me! Beach Club, Xocodiva and at our weekly BINGO nights every Thursday. And of course the party is open to everyone, after all, the more the merrier!

The amazing generosity of local businesses and friends continued. Donating prizes this week were:
 El Arrayan Restaurant, Ambiance By Marcia, Joe Jacks Fish Shack, Benittos Deli, Trattoria Michel, Blue Seas Resort & Spa, Ron Morgan, Balcones, La Bodega de Nina, The Botanical Gardens, Garbo, Pam Thompson of HealthCare Resources Puerto Vallarta, Yoga Vallarta, Maria OConnor of Tropicasa Realty, Apaches Martini Bar, Sea Me Eye Wear, Bohemia Boutique, El Sofa Cafι, Club Maρana, Chuck Mallery, Bar Frida, Los Veranos Canopy Tour, Kathy Lowther, Restaurant Dianita, Bite me! Beach Club, Xocodiva, PVRPV Puerto Vallarta Rentals & Property Management, BanderasNews.com, Banana Cantina, Cassandra Shaw Jewellery, Fishing With Carolina, Adriana Garcia, PV Mirror, Yogi & Cheryl Sellers, Encore Boutique, Paul Crist of Hotel Mercurio and Spa Terra Noble
 And the list keeps growing. As always, a thousand thanks! We couldn't do it without all of you.
 Next week's caller is a special mystery guest. Don't forget, if you bring a friend who has never attended before you will receive a free bingo card as our thanks. Also if you own a business and would like to contribute prizes please contact us. There is no small donation.
 We are extremely pleased to announce three more Charity BINGO Nights. October 8, 15, and 22 will be in support of the Botanical Gardens, which hopes to plant 5000 Bugambilia bushes between the airport and Mismaloya. Come on out and help make Vallarta even more beautiful!
 As we all know PVRPV Puerto Vallarta Vacations has wrapped up their incredibly successful Summer Food Drive. They are thrilled that through many sources and your generous donations at our weekly Bingo, the food drive was able to do so much for so many. That being said however, below is a wish list from Pasitos De Luz.

 These items are needed to ensure the health and welfare of the children they serve. Anyone who brings any of these items to BINGO will receive a free BINGO card. How's that for a deal, folks?

 BINGO for Beans and Babies will continue every Thursday night until October 1 at Bite me! Beach Club, located on Los Muertos Beach directly south of the Tropicana Hotel. For Reservations, call 223-1521 ext. 234. If you haven't been yet, Click HERE to see what you've been missing.

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