|  |  | News Around the Republic of Mexico | September 2009  
Mexico Endorses the United Nations 'Blue Heart' Campaign
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime go to original September 14, 2009
 The recently established Inter-Secretariat Commission to Prevent and Prosecute Trafficking in Persons of Mexico has unanimously approved a United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) proposal to launch the Blue Heart Campaign. Mexico will be the first Latin American State to take the lead in this global movement against human trafficking.
 UNODC crime prevention expert Felipe De La Torre said, from Mexico City: "As a country of origin, transit and destination, Mexico is showing great commitment to tackling trafficking in persons with the creation of this Commission. Awareness-raising constitutes a key component of this coordinated multi-institutional response."
 "Thousands of victims are either exported from Mexico, transported via Mexico or arrive in Mexico with the hope of better opportunities. With the adoption of the Blue Heart Campaign, UNODC and Mexico join forces to encourage individuals, non-profit organizations and the private sector to fight this crime that shames us all," he added.
 According to Mexico's law on preventing and combating trafficking in persons, the Inter-Secretariat Commission is the highest body at the federal level in Mexico to address this crime. It involves the head of the Attorney General's Office and the ministers heading the following nine ministries: the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Communications and Transportation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Labor, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Social Development, the Ministry of Public Education and the Ministry of Tourism.
 Other members participating in the Commission are: the National System for Family Matters, the National Institute on Women, the National Institute on Migration and the National Institute on Penal Sciences, as well as the National Council of Population.
 Francisco Gσmez Mont Urueta, Secretary of the Interior, encouraged all members of the Inter-Secretariat Commission to focus their efforts on drawing a comprehensive national plan to prevent and combat trafficking in persons.
 In the coming months, UNODC will work together with the Government of Mexico to organize a series of events aimed at raising public awareness and inspiring action to help stop trafficking in persons. Universities, the private sector and the Mexican media will also have the opportunity to exchange views during round table discussions on their role in preventing trafficking in persons. The campaign will be officially unveiled in March 2010.
 Related information:
 Blue Heart Campaign
 Anti-Human Trafficking Manual for Criminal Justice Practitioners |

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