|  |  | News Around the Republic of Mexico | September 2009  
Poverty and Health, Crucial Challenges for Federal Government: President Calderon
Octavio Islas Acosta - Presidencia de la República go to original September 19, 2009

| President Calderon led the Inauguration of the General Hospital in the municipality of Soledad de Graciano Sanchez. |  | San Luis Potosi - During the inauguration of the Maternal and Children’s Hospital in San Luis Potosì, President Felipe Calderon said that poverty and health are two crucial challenges for Federal Government, despite the international economic crisis.
 “Nowadays, the only choice is, despite the adverse conditions, to redouble efforts to be able to bridge the enormous gap between wealth and poverty that still exists in our beloved Mexico.
 Accompanied by state governor, Marcelo de los Santos Fraga and Health Secretary Jose Angel Cordova Villalobos, the President confirmed his administration’s unwavering commitment to protecting Mexican families’ health. He said that regardless of the economic adversity that has affected all Mexicans, he will not stop supporting or reinforcing health programs and instead advance more quickly as regards the country's social priorities.
 “It has all been possible because every year we have systematically increased the health budget. In Federal Government, we have tripled the Popular Insurance budget between 2006 and 2009,” he explained.
 He stressed that now is the time to commit ourselves to the Mexico we want, since the country has stopped earning a large income. However, he said, we cannot stop fighting external poverty or seeking to achieve the goal of universal health coverage for Mexicans.
 To this end, he called for the approval of the Income and Expenditure Project for 2010 he submitted to Congress and for everyone to make a supportive effort to reverse this situation.
 “This effort, friends, this effort must be made if one day we wish to see the eradication in Mexico of extreme poverty, in which 20 million Mexicans unfortunately live," he said.
 He added that if these resources are approved, Mexico will purchase the vaccinations that are already beginning to be produced against the A/H1N1 virus that are required for the population.
 Earlier in the day, in Soledad de Graciano Sanchez, President Felipe Calderon also opened the General Hospital of this municipality, which, together with the Maternal and Child Hospital of San Luis Potosi, is the result of an investment of over 500 million pesos.

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