News Around the Republic of Mexico | September 2009
President Calderón Leads Ceremony of 199th Anniversary of Shout of Independence PVNN September 16, 2009
Celebrations of the Shout of Independence in the Mexico City Zócalo were under strict security measures and with the presence of capital and federal police as well as the President's General Staff.
Zócalo, Mexico City - Mexicans on Tuesday began celebrating their most cherished national holiday, Independence Day, but memories of unprecedented violence a year ago made for a somber affair in some areas. Mexicans! Long live the heroes that gave us our country! Long live Hidalgo! Long live Morelos! Long live Josefa Ortiz de Domínguez! Long live Allende! Long live Aldama and Matamoros! Long live National Independence! Long live the Bicentennial of Independence! Long live the Centennial of the Revolution! Long live Mexico! Long live Mexico! Long live Mexico!