|  |  | News Around the Republic of Mexico | September 2009  
Independence Bicentennial and Centenary of the Revolution Festivities Start with Lighting of Bicentennial Fire
Presidencia de la República go to original September 07, 2009

| The Bicentennial Fire will tour the Mexican Republic as a symbol of unity between Mexicans and their states. |  | Mexico City - President Felipe Calderón said that it is possible to transform the country and said that the Bicentennial Generation is obliged to work intensely to ensure that Mexico has a glorious history.
 “Mexico must be the nation that is called to exist. I am sure that this generation will also be able to transform the reality that surrounds us and advance determinedly and in peace towards what we want," he said.
 As he led the Lighting of the Bicentennial Fire at the National Palace, the President said that Mexico is a free, independent country, guided by the principles of equity and justice.
 Accompanied by his wife, Margarita Zavala and Interior Secretary, Fernando Gómez Mont, the President said that the best way to celebrate the cause of Independence is to take up the ideals of Hidalgo and Morelos and to continue the fight to build a better Mexico.
 “Today we are faced with the dilemma of being satisfied with the Mexico we have today or of changing our destiny and our nation and showing that the nation’s glory lies not only in its history or its past but mainly in its future," he added.
 He remarked that the Bicentennial Fire, which as from today, will tour the Mexican Republic as a symbol of unity between Mexicans and their states, heralds the arrival of 2010, the Year of the Fatherland.
 President Calderón said that 2010 will be a year of jubilation and brotherhood that will unite everyone in the pride of being Mexican. He went on to say that there will be a series of artistic and cultural events. An exhibition entitled 200 Years of Mexico will be staged at the National Palace and the public will also have access to halls that were hitherto unknown or not open to visitors.
 “I hope that this fire, which will tour the entire nation as from today, will awaken our patriotic spirit. I hope that this fire, a symbol of freedom, will unite us and identify us for what we are: Mexican brothers and sisters. I hope that this fire will one again spark the ideals of independence, justice, equality and freedom that were handed down to us by our forebears.
 The President declared that the new generations of children and youth will take up the Flag of the Bicentennial to build a Mexico that is increasingly close to the desires and ideals of those that made the Mexican Revolution possible.
 In this respect, he explained that the Bicentennial generation is obliged to work hard and determinedly to ensure that no Mexican lives in misery and to eradicate extreme poverty and ensure that everyone has access to what they need.
 “We, the Bicentennial generation, are obliged to ensure that no-one lacks a doctor, medicine, a hospital or treatment when they need it. Although this is difficult to achieve, it is possible if we remain united and are capable of striving for ideals and hope." |

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