|  |  | News Around the Republic of Mexico | September 2009  
Essential to Focus Efforts on Supporting Those with Least: President Calderón
Suzanne Stephens Waller - Presidencia de la República go to original September 29, 2009

| The best way to honor the heroes that gave us our country, freedom and independence is to build a better future for children and young people, President declares. |  | Silao, Guanajuato - President Felipe Calderón led the Ceremony of the Laying of the First Stone of the Macro Plaza of the Expo Bicentennial Park in Silao, Guanajuato and said that today, like any other country and at any time in history, Mexico faces several challenges which require the unity of all Mexicans to cope with.
 Accompanied by Governor of Guanajuato Juan Manuel Oliva Ramírez and Secretary of Public Education, Alonso Lujambio Irazábal, the President declared:
 “We are convinced that this moment can and should be a moment of celebration, which it will be, as well as a time to ask what challenges Mexico faces in the future and to focus on overcoming them and therefore on transforming the country, and to assume the challenge of changing and changing what must be changed, regardless of the resistance elicited by these causes.
 A propos of this, he said that the best way to honor the heroes that gave us our country, freedom and independence is to build a better future for children and young people.
 “At these difficult times, it is essential, among other things, for national efforts to focus on supporting the most defenseless and the poorest and those with least. And that is precisely what we are proposing to the union,” he added.
 He recalled that Federal Government is the first to set an example by reducing unnecessary expenses and reducing the number of state secretariats for the first time in Mexico's recent history to assign these resources to meet the needs of those with least.
 In this respect, President Calderón explained:
 “The point, friends, is to focus on solving underlying problems, problems that existed at the time of the Independence. I am sure they were far more serious then, but they have persisted. This includes the problem of the extreme poverty in which millions of Mexicans and thousands of residents of Guanajuato still live and which, in the 21st century, forces them to emigrate.
 He added that there is also a problem of health coverage, in which great progress has been made yet in which there is still scope to achieve a goal to which any nation aspires and which few have achieved, such as universal health coverage.
 “I am sure that providing a doctor, medicine and treatment for any Mexican that needs it is the best way of celebrating 200 years of being a free nation, and it is within our power to do so, if we take the measures we should," he said.
 Moreover, he added, the point is to promote quality education and to strengthen and repair public finances, which have declined because what was predicted has started to come true. The country's oil producing capacity has begun to decline.
 Lastly, President Felipe Calderón explained that, "In this and in many other areas, there are changes that have to be made, changes that would require the deliberation and constructive debate of everyone but above all, unity in the common goal of turning Mexico into a full-fledged, fair, increasingly free and sovereign nation that is increasingly confident and committed to its surroundings."

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