|  |  | Americas & Beyond | September 2009  
US Senators Seek Elimination of TelCom Spying Immunity
t r u t h o u t go to original September 29, 2009

| A group of Democratic senators will introduce the Retroactive Immunity Repeal Act to roll back telecommunications immunity. (SEIU International/flickr) |  | In a move to roll back the grant of retroactive immunity granted to telecommunications companies that were involved in former President Bush's warrantless wiretapping program, four Democratic senators have announced the introduction of the Retroactive Immunity Repeal Act. The senators sponsoring the legislation are Chris Dodd (D-Connecticut), Pat Leahy (D-Vermont), Russ Feingold (D-Wisconsin) and Jeff Merkley (D-Oregon).
 "I believe we best defend America when we also defend its founding principles," said Senator Dodd. "We make our nation safer when we eliminate the false choice between liberty and security. But by granting retroactive immunity to the telecommunications companies who may have participated in warrantless wiretapping of American citizens, the Congress violated the protection of our citizen's privacy and due process right and we must not allow that to stand."
 "Last year, I opposed legislation that stripped Americans of their right to seek accountability for the Bush administration's decision to illegally wiretap American citizens without a warrant," said Senator Leahy. "Today, I am pleased to join Senator Dodd to introduce the Retroactive Immunity Repeal Act. We can strengthen national security while protecting Americans' privacy and civil liberties. Restoring Americans' access to the courts is the first step toward bringing some measure of accountability for the Bush-Cheney administration's decision to conduct warrantless surveillance in violation of our laws."
 "Granting retroactive immunity to companies that went along with the illegal warrantless wiretapping program was unjustified and undermined the rule of law," said Senator Feingold. "Congress should not have short-circuited the courts' constitutional role in assessing the legality of the program. This bill is about ensuring that the law is followed and providing accountability for the American people."
 "During the previous administration, telecommunications companies were granted retroactive immunity for violating the rights and privacy of millions of Americans," said Senator Merkley. "I am proud to join Senator Dodd and co-sponsor the Retroactive Immunity Repeal Act to help restore accountability and increase oversight to protect the privacy rights that have been central to our nation since its inception."

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