|  |  | Business News | September 2009  
United Nations Supports President Calderon’s Economic Package
Suzanne Stephens Waller - Presidencia de la República go to original September 18, 2009

| Mexico's President Felipe Calderon makes the victory sign during the Independence Day parade in Mexico City's Zocalo Plaza, Wednesday, Sept. 16, 2009. (AP/Eduardo Verdugo) |  | Ostuacan, Chiapas - United Nations Representative in Mexico, Magdy Martìnez-Soliman, supported the 2010 Economic Package submitted to Congress by President Felipe Calderon, declaring that "We think his idea of taxing everyone and helping the poor is reasonable and properly reasoned."
 During the establishment of the Nuevo Juan de Grijalva Housing Development, held in the municipality of Ostuacàn, Chiapas, he said:
 "The alleviation of poverty must be financed and there are no magic bullets." There will be a legitimate political debate on the subject. That is why it is important to study the proposals in depth and not reject any of them out of hand.”
 At the same time, he indicated:
 “When a government opts for those with less, it is up to the United Nations to say that this is a morally correct, ethically necessary decision.”
 He stressed that in the midst of the international crisis, there are countries that have said that a cut in social spending is essential. But, he added, "Mexico has fortunately taken a better path."
 He said that there is a proposal to add 23 billion pesos to the Oportunidades Program and the Food Program as part of the attempt to eradicate poverty.
 He said that it is feasible to talk about 900 pesos per family and six and a half million Mexican families. “Some of these familias are here today”, he informed President Felipe Calderón and Governors of Chiapas and Tabasco, Juan Sabines Guerrero and Andrés Granier Melo, respectively.
 Magdy Martínez Solimán reported that the United Nations has also said that taxes must be progressive. “Taxes must be collected from those that have most to redistribute to those in the greatest need. This effort at redistribution led to the Rural City, the keys that the President and Governor have just handed over and these houses and that school and hospital."
 The UN representative said that, "We believe Mexico can emerge from this crisis, just as the Rural City has emerged from the design of the governor, federal government support, the architects' plans and the bases created by bricklayers and residents."

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