|  |  | News from Around Banderas Bay | October 2009  
November-December Classes at the BBCC
Denise Fiske-Chow - PVNN October 21, 2009
 Due to some unavoidable circumstances, we have some minor changes to the BBCC class schedules:
 For Jorge Soria's Spanish Classes, the beginner class is on T/Th/Fri/Sat from 11 am-12:30 pm and the Intermediate Bajo class is on T/Th/Fri/Sat from 9-10:30 am. Yoga for everyone will be on Mon/Th/Fri 9-10 am, Yoga for beginners will be on Mon and Th from 10:30-11:30 am, and Salsa class is Mon and Th from 6-7 pm.

| The BBCC is working to create a community where people share the joy of developing new skills and learning their neighbor's language and cultural background. Visit BuceriasBilingualCommunityCenter.org for more information. |  | The Bucerías Bilingual Community Center, a non-profit bicultural learning center in Bucerías where people share the joy of developing new skills and learning their neighbor's language and cultural background, is pleased to announce the first six weeks of classes scheduled for the 2009/2010 high season.
 For private classes by appointment, call Jorge at 044-322-136-8592 or email jifohi(at)yahoo.com.
 November 9 - December 20, 2009 BBCC Class Schedule:
 Other fun and educational classes being offered at the BBCC this season include:
 Yoga on the Beach for Everyone When: Classes begin on November 9th and will be held every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9-10 am Instructor: Margarita Cost: $100 pesos per class or $900 pesos for a prepaid 10 class card $120 pesos per class for drop-ins. Mago's low impact Yoga "speaks" to mind, body and soul. Doing yoga on the beach is relaxing and lets you get the most out of the experience. Mats & props will be available, but please bring your own if you have them. First day will be at the center for registration and fee payment, any time left will be for stretching exercises.
 Introduction to Shambala Meditation When: Classes begin on November 9th and will be held every Sunday from 11 am to 12 noon Instructors: Brus and Jeanne Westby Cost: Suggested donation $50 pesos per class This is a secular relaxation technique, beneficial to anyone of any religious belief.
 Yoga on the Beach for Beginners When: Classes begin on November 9th and will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9-10:30 am Instructor: Margarita Cost: $100 pesos per class or $900 pesos for a prepaid 10 class card $120 pesos per class for drop-ins. This is your chance to find out what yoga is all about with other yoga rookies. Small class size, men welcome. Mats & props will be available, but please bring your own if you have them. First day will be at the center for registration and fee payment, any time left will be for stretching exercises. At least 6 students needed to offer this class
 Salsa Dancing When: Classes begin on November 9th and will be held on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 6-7 pm Instructor: Margarita Cost: $100 pesos per class or $1100 pesos for all 12 classes Have fun and exercise. Come alone or with a partner and end the course with a great dance party.
 Simply Speaking When: Classes will be held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 7 pm A variety of interesting topics served up by invited experts
 Computer Workshop: Managing your Digital Photos 1 When: Tuesday & Friday, November 10 & 13th, from 1-3 pm Instructors: MaryLou Zahner and Susan Fornoff Cost: $300 pesos for 4 hours of instruction and guided practice. Bring your own laptop and work with your own photos. Learn to find, organize and edit pictures using the Picasa program. Limited to 6 participants.
 Computer Workshop: Managing your Digital Photos 2 When: Tuesday November 17 from 1-3 pm Instructors: Marylou Zahner and Susan Fornoff Cost: $150 pesos for 2 hours of instruction and guided practice using the Picasa Photo program on the web to easily share your pictures with family and friends. This workshop is designed for people who took the Digital Photo 1 workshop, or those already familiar with the Picasa program. Limited to 6 participants
 Basic Computer Skills When: Tuesday Dec. 1, Friday Dec. 4, Tuesday Dec 8 and Friday Dec 11th Instructor: Marylou Zahner Cost: $600 pesos for 8 hours of instruction and guided practice. If the only thing you know how to do is open your email, this course is for you. You will learn to open and create folders as well as rename old folders. Depending on time permitted and the level of students, other topics of interest will be covered. Class limited to 4 students.
 International Gourmet Cooking Coordinator: Richard Chow When: Fridays starting November 11th from 6-8 pm Cost: $250 pesos per class (including wine)to cover ingredient costs and overhead with the balance for the BBCC. Each week Richard will bring in an amateur chef or someone who is just a darn good cook to share recipes as well as a good meal. Come and enjoy the good company of other food lovers while learning how to cook new dishes from other countries. Each week the guest chef will demonstrate the chosen dish(es), give out the recipe and explain the procedures to those in attendance. Then all will sit down to enjoy the great food, the wine of the week and good conversation. The following ethnicities will hopefully be represented, Chinese, German, Italian, French, Russian, Mexican, and others. If you would like to be a guest chef or just enjoy the event, contact the BBCC as space is limited to 15 people each week. First come first served!
 Continuing Shambala Meditation When: Sundays 11 am-12 noon, starting November 13th. Instructors: Brus and Jeanne Westby Cost: suggested donation of $70 pesos per class This is a secular relaxation technique that has been growing in popularity and beneficial to anyone of any religious belief.
 Line Dancing When: Fridays from 11 am to 12 noon, starting in January. More details to come. Instructor: Vail Schaeffer Cost: $100 pesos per class, come when you can. Have fun, exercise, meet new friends, you can come alone or with a partner then enjoy a hoe down for the last class!
 Conversation Café Moderator: Rene When: Saturdays 9-11 am Cost: Suggested donation of $50 pesos to cover cost of coffee or juice and snacks (donuts, cookies etc.) Come and sit on out front patio and join the casual conversation in your non-native tongue (Sp/Eng), while enjoying refreshments of your choice. You will learn more here to reinforce your formal language classes and make new friends at the same time. For ages 18 years and up
 Story Hour Instructors: Mago Castillo and Denise Fiske-Chow When: Saturdays starting November 14 from 10-11 am Cost: Free Read aloud stories for kids of all ages with the hope of encouraging a love of books and a desire to read. We also will take part of the class time so children can check out books for a peso and earn points when they bring them back. The points are good for prizes. We plan to open the library to the public so the locals can use it, thereby becoming part of the community center. Library hours are from 10 am to 12 noon and 1-3 pm, when classes aren't using the library.
 Nature Class Instructor: Denise Fiske-Chow When: Fridays from 10:30 am to 12 noon Cost: $50 pesos inscription and $20 pesos per class Lions and Tigers and Bears, oh my! Learn about wild animals, what they eat, where they live, how they survive and how man impacts their habitat. We will learn about the rain forests, swamps, desserts, and even ice and snow environments. The kids will have a crafts project for each class. This is for kids from 8 to 12 years old and limited to 10 students.
 Cooking for Kids This is a proposed class and we have yet to nail it down. It would be for kids from 8 to 13 years old. When we do get it firmed up, we will announce the details.
 These are just the classes that we have commitments for at this time, however, if we get more instructors for other subjects, they will be added in, so keep checking the BBCC website, or call us at (329) 298-3527 week days from 10 am to 12 noon and from 1-3 pm for updates.
 Driving Directions to the Bucerías Bilingual Community Center: From HWY 200, take the lateral pass toward La Cruz, go past HSBC, down the hill and turn right onto Matamoros (at the yellow speed bumps after Carnes del Mundo), two blocks in on Matamoros turn right onto 16 de septiembre and you are there! We are the third building on the right. Address: Calle 16 de septiembre #48, Bucerías, Nayarit. Tel: (329) 298-3527.

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