|  |  | News from Around Banderas Bay | October 2009  
Banderas Bay Community Choir 2009 News
Nisa Salmans - PVNN October 08, 2009

| For more information, contact Nisa Salmans at nvsally(at)aol.com or 044-322-160-1162. |  | Get your voices ready for this season's Banderas Bay Community Choir performance! It will be held on Sunday, December 13th, 8 pm at the American School of Puerto Vallarta. We will be sharing our performance with the PV Chamber Orchestra again this year.
 Important News for Banderas Bay Community Choir Singers
 We have outgrown the music room, so will be holding 2 rehearsals per week. Please plan on attending one. The first week's rehearsal will be in the American School Music room on Monday, October 19th, at 3:30-5:30 pm and 7-9 pm.
 I know that some of you will not be back in town yet. If that is the case, please send me an email at nvsally(at)aol.com with your status. We are also open to holding the late rehearsal on a different night of the week and possibly at a different location.
 If you have ideas or suggestions, email me. Our hope is that a late rehearsal will allow more people to join us. If this is your first season with us, welcome!
 Now, I need your help...
 1. RSVP to me if you will be singing this year and if you will be attending the early or the late rehearsals.
 2. Help recruit new members
 Tips for Rehearsals:
 • Be on time or early. If you arrive a little early, I will probably put you to work. (chair setup, name tags, etc.)
 • Bring a pencil and your black 3-ring binder
 • Bring a friend or two - or three!
 • Bring plenty of water
 We will be collecting $100 pesos per person to cover the cost of printing music and making rehearsal CDs. We are really looking forward to making music in Banderas Bay!
 Thank you! Nisa Salmans 044-322-160-1162

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