|  |  | News from Around Banderas Bay | October 2009  
On the Water with Vallarta Fishing Experience
Stan Gabruk - PVNN October 27, 2009

| Frenzied dorado everywhere, sailfish are abundant and water temps up. |  | Another week passes and everything changes when it comes to currents and fishing conditions. Among those changes was Hurricane Rick that at one point was a Category 5 as it slowly marched its way up the coast from Panama. During this time the fishing at our World Famous Fishing Grounds was improving on a daily basis. It was almost like the local captains were racing Hurricane Rick for the fish.
 Yellowfin Tuna at El Banco and Corbeteña the week before Rick was outstanding. Although not Monster Sized, 80 lbs is still a fun sized Yellowfin Tuna. Not many out there will ever have this pleasure and it's well worth the attempt. But this was a few days ago.
 Now the water temperatures at Corbeteña and El Banco are steadily climbing, yesterday it was a warm 88 degrees. So we've seen the Black Marlin and Yellowfin Tuna kinda fade out the last few days. Now things like this can change in short order.
 For now if you're specifically targeting these species, they're out there, but it will be work and a little luck amigos. But if you can't be swayed, good luck. Sailfish, Snappers and of course Dorado are here as well, so if you get tired of going for Billfish, change you lures and get something for the table!
 EL Morro, The Marietta Islands and the rocks off the point of Punta Mita have all been very productive this week with Dorado in Frenzies. Use a feather of yellow and white, live bait or petrileros, they're hitting anything that hits the water out there right now and they're not small! The average Mahi or Dorado these last few days have been in the mid twenty pounds. There are so many Dorado out there, the other species don't have time to get to the bait you offer!
 Sailfish, Jack Crevalls, the occasional Rooster fish, and more are here waiting for you to arrive... As far as I am concerned, the islands and Punta Mita are one of your best fishing values at the moment. When you can get fishing like this, in eight hours, why head out to the deeper locations unless you're looking specifically for Marlin or Yellowfin Tuna.
 The big surprise this week is the continued fishing explosion in the bay. In the area around Yelapa to Los Animas, just a few miles off shore, the Dorado are running large than some of the deep water locations like El Banco!
 On the day Hurricane Rick was causing problems and a closed port, Barry and Cole Brook headed out in the bay in front of Yelapa, the south end of the bay and boated several Dorado in the 20 to 30 lb range. But 2 yr old Cole got a 66 inch Bull Dorado that for a few minutes had us wondering if this was a record for his age class. We weren't so lucky, but it was a big fish and worth mention, and a picture!
 Right now I don't know anyone or boat that has gone out inside the bay that didn't get hook-ups as soon as the bait hit the water! This is one of those rare times when in the bay fishing can rival the islands. Sailfish are here as well and not bad when it comes to size.
 Finding a trash line in the bay is automatic and the bite is on, amigos. So head out and get something to stock your freezer with. 4 hrs in a Super Panga is cheap and productive. But remember to throw the females back, keep the bulls! With the projected diminished Dorado Population we want to help keep the number as high as possible. So have a care and take the time to release the females!
 I have a page up on Facebook under MasterBaiter Stan, you're welcome to fire me a friend invitation where you'll see my Fish Pic of the Day and other interesting stuff involving Puerto Vallarta and local happenings! Check it out!
 Well that's the latest and greatest from Puerto Vallarta, Until next week, don't forget to kiss your fish!
  Stan Gabruk is the owner of Master Baiters Sportfishing and Tackle in Marina Vallarta. He came to Puerto Vallarta for a brief, three-week vacation and never left. You can find Stan at his Master Baiters Sportfishing shop in Marina Vallarta, located on the boardwalk down from the lighthouse next to Tikul Restaurant. For more information about fishing in Puerto Vallarta, visit MasterBaiters.com.mx or email Stan at Catchfish(at)MasterBaiters.com.mx.

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