President Felipe Calderón Congratulates U.S. Counterpart, Barack Obama
Suzanne Stephens Waller - Presidencia de la República go to original October 10, 2009

| (Presidencia de la República) |  | Los Pinos - The Presidency reports that following the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize 2009, President Calderón sent a letter of congratulation to his U.S. counterpart Barack Obama, in which he hailed his having won this prize, which was awarded for his extraordinary efforts on behalf of international diplomacy and cooperation between nations.
 “Mexico and Mexicans, declared the President, congratulate you on the Nobel Peace Prize awarded to you by the committee,” and congratulated him on his efforts to ensure peaceful coexistence between nations and boost multilateralism.
 He repeated his commitment to continuing to support the construction of a fairer world order, based on humanistic principles that promote man's dignity, his fundamental rights and the welfare of societies, in an atmosphere of peace, shared, responsibility and freedom.