|  |  | News Around the Republic of Mexico | October 2009  
Presentation of Human Development Report 2009
Suzanne Stephens Waller - Presidencia de la República go to original October 05, 2009

| Over the years, the UN has warned Mexico of the importance of reducing inequality so that economic growth translates into development. |  | Mexico City - President Calderón leads the presentation of the Human Development Report 2009 at the Adolfo López Mateos Hall at the official Los Pinos Residence today.
 The Global Human Development Report 2009 "Overcoming Barriers: Mobility and Human Development," concerns the impact of migration on the growth of the country and the reduction of poverty.
 Human development places people at the center of development. The point is for people to develop their potential, increase their possibilities and have the freedom to live the life they want.
 Since 1990, the annual Human Development Reports have analyzed the challenges posed by poverty, gender issues, democracy, human rights, cultural freedom, globalization, water shortage and climate change.
 According to the latest report, Mexico's Index of Human Development (IDH) is 0.842, and it is ranked 52nd out of 177 countries, whereas in the year 2000 it was 0.818.
 Over the years, the UN has warned Mexico of the importance of reducing inequality so that economic growth translates into development.
 The 2009 Report will be presented to President Felipe Calderón by Magdy Martínez Solimán, UN representative in México, and Francisco Rodríguez, Head of the Research Team.

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