|  |  | News Around the Republic of Mexico | October 2009  
President Calderón Reports on Job Creation
Suzanne Stephens Waller - Presidencia de la República go to original October 07, 2009

| The Economist’s Summit in Mexico, “After the Storm: Taking Up the Growth Agenda," is a frank, open debate with experts to discuss the main issues affecting the country, which are crucial to the economy's development and determining the main causes and trends for its total reactivation. (Presidencia de la República) |  | President Felipe Calderón reported that 61,000 formal jobs were created in September, most of which were permanent, the highest growth rate in the past four months.
 “This means that we have had positive growth rates in the country for the past four months. In other words, from June to September, 126,000 new jobs, registered in the Social Security Institute, that have paid their dues, have been created in the country. September’s growth rates are the highest we have seen since April 2008,” he said.
 During the Forum After the Storm: Taking up the Growth Agenda, organized by The Economist, the President added that other encouraging signs for the country have already emerged, showing that productive activity is beginning to stabilize.
 For example, he said, monthly rates increased by 2.45 in July, while in the same month, industrial activity registered an increase of 2.8% while manufacturing rose by 4.5%.
 Accompanied by Economy Secretary, Gerardo Ruiz Mateos, the Mexican President said that Mexico is currently facing problems that require will and determination.
 “And it is with this spirit we are working in Federal Government and it is with this sprit that we wish to work with Congress. I hope that our goals will be lofty enough for the economic and social moment that the country requires to be able to advance towards a truly ambitious agenda containing the necessary and not only the possible changes and that the understandable resistance to this change will be possible to overcome," he declared.
 He said that the tax package he has proposed will not only solve the problem of public finances but prevent an increase in the number of Mexicans living in extreme poverty. He added that what he is seeking is to increase the programs designed to protect those with least.
 “This is precisely what leads to a difficult Fiscal Package, but one that is the right one for solving public finances and at the same time has a greater commitment by government to fighting poverty," he said.
 President Calderón added that although there are countries that have adopted protectionist measures to cope with the world economic crisis, Federal Government knows that this delays the emergence of economic growth, which is why Mexico has reduced its tariffs even further.
 “Because the point is that, in order to be competitive, Mexico requires an open, competitive economy,” he explained.

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