|  |  | Americas & Beyond | October 2009  
Senate Passes Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Act
Ben Pershing - Washington Post go to original October 24, 2009

| The US Senate has approved the Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Act, clearing it for President Obama to sing into law. (federico novaro/flickr) |  | Obama is expected to sign legislation on hate crimes.
 The Senate cleared a historic hate crimes bill this week for President Obama's signature, approving new federal penalties for attacks on gay men and lesbians.
 The legislation, which was attached to the conference report for the bill outlining the Pentagon's budget, marks the culmination of a years-long fight by civil rights groups to codify the expanded protections.
 The measure would extend the current definition of federal hate crimes - which covers attacks motivated by race, color, religion or national origin - to include those based on sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability. It also would make it a federal crime to attack U.S. military personnel because of their service.
 To read more on the Matthew Shepard hate crimes legistlation click here.

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