Mexican Economy Beginning to Recover: President Calderón
Suzanne Stephens Waller - Presidencia de la República go to original October 21, 2009

 |  | We must not let our guard down and instead, continue investing with a view, not to the current situation but to the promising future of the national economy. - President Felipe Calderón |  |  |  | Cancún, Quintana Roo - President Felipe Calderón declared that the Mexican economy is beginning to show clear signs of recovery, as borne out by the 60,000 new jobs registered during the first fortnight of October which, combined with September, means that a total of 120,000 new jobs have been created nationwide.
 “Between June and the first fortnight in October, nearly 200,000 new jobs have been created throughout the country. Which is the second sign that the economy is recovering,” he added.
 During the first event of his tour of Quintana Roo, where he inaugurated the second runway, the new control tower and the taxi bridge at the International Airport of Cancún, the President declared that in the face of the world economic crisis, government and society did not stand idly by nor will Mexicans cease their efforts to overcome this situation.
 That is why, he said, investment in projects such as this is how we will turn Mexico into a competitive country. “We must not let our guard down and instead, continue investing with a view, not to the current situation but to the promising future of the national economy."
 “And Federal Government is fully committed to this. We are determined to make a difference in the country during this administration,” he said.
 Accompanied by his wife, Margarita Zavala, and State Governor Félix Arturo González Canto, the President urged Mexicans to work hard and determinedly to transform Mexico.
 President Calderón explained that the works inaugurated today, such as the nearly three-mile long Second Runway, will permit the reception of modern heavy planes while the Control Tower, the highest in Latin America, is capable of withstanding Category 5 hurricanes on the Saphir-Simpson scale.