|  |  | Vallarta Living | October 2009  
Out and About in Puerto Vallarta
Twila Crawford - PVNN October 15, 2009

| Jean Dunphy of the International Friendship Club and Beyond Vallarta Tours, is planning a February 1-7 2010 trip from Vallarta to Copper Canyon to benefit local charities. For more information, call (322) 222-6726 or email: beyondvallarta(at)live.com. |  | The number of foreign visitors to Mexico registered an 18 percent drop between the months of January and August of this year. Ernesto Rodriguez Chavez, director of Mexico National Migration Institute, attributes the decline on the world economic crisis and the swine flu scare that peaked during the months of April and May, when the number of tourists fell in half compared with the same time frame in 2008.
 Director Rodriguez said another significant drop in international tourism could come later this year if there is a serious flu outbreak. The swine flu crisis resulted in the loss or suspension of 200,000 tourism-related jobs, according o the National Tourism Confederation.
 The offices of Vallarta Enfrenta el SIDA or Vallarta Confronts AIDS (VES is a Spanish acronym used) moved to a new location at Manuel M. Dieguez 387, at the corner of Aguacate. The new location offers more comfortable space and easier access. Tel: (322) 223-0535. For more information, click HERE o visite VallartaEnfrentaSIDA.org para información en Español.
 Architect and artist George Colvin died in North Carolina. George, who had lived in Vallarta, is the brother of Tom Colvin, who divides his time between Manila and Vallarta. Friendship was important to George, and friends and family were with him.
 A member of the Puerto Vallarta Writers Group, Mary Wiche, died this past week. Many will miss her delightful personality.
 Puerto Vallarta artist Meg Munro will receive the Artist Magazine Award at the annual National Watercolor Society. There were 1,100 entries. Meg Munro is associated with the proud Loft Gallery.
 The local Chamber Orchestra and Banderas Bay Community Choir will perform on Sunday, December 13, at 8:00 p.m. at the American School in Marina Vallarta. It was a spectacular performance last year.
 Lori Lorenzen is an administrator now of a complex of Amapas Villas. Various celebrities have homes there, including Tiger Woods
 Pastor Don and Dianne Powell, after 17 years in Vallarta, are moving back to California. After a summer of discussions, changes have occurred at the Community Church by Hidalgo Park. Pastor Jorge Guzman oversees both the Spanish-language and the English-language church. Pastor Miguel Zapata is with the English-language congregation, and he is popular with the worshipers. Services start at 9:45 a.m.
 Jean Dunphy of the International Friendship Club and Beyond Vallarta Tours, is putting together tours for the season. Two trips will be to Copper Canyon from Vallarta. The dates for the first tour are February 1-7. 2010. Tel: (322) 222-6726 or email: beyondvallarta(at)live.com. Proceeds from the tours benefit charities. The website is BeyondVallartaTours.com.
 Blue Chairs had a fund raiser last weekend for Diva, one of the Dirty Bitches, popular entertainment in Vallarta. Diva was attacked and is recovering in a Guadalajara hospital following surgery. Other organizations and retailers are helping with fundraisers and collection boxes. For further information, email: fcsimagine(at)yahoo.com. In good news, Frank and partner Jaqueline have adopted a baby!
 Jalisco state is in fifth place in Mexico concerning divorce, with Guadalajara leading. Puerto Vallarta is in those statistics. Couples that had been married 10 years filed 50 percent of Mexican divorces in 2007, and 36 percent of those getting divorces were ages between 30 and 39.
 The National Tequila Industry Chamber celebrates its 50th anniversary. But with a glut reported, tequila production drops 15 percent this year.
An award-winning journalist, Twila Crawford lives in Puerto Vallarta, where, in addition to contributing articles to BanderasNews, the PV Mirror and other local publications, she writes Out and About in Puerto Vallarta, an informative column that offers inside information about who, what, why, where and when it's happening around Banderas Bay.
 Click HERE to read more articles by Twila Crawford. |

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