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Puerto Vallarta News NetworkNews from Around Banderas Bay | November 2009 

A BanderasNews Brief & Upcoming Events
email this pageprint this pageemail usMike A. Arevalo - PVNN
November 28, 2009

There's always so much going on in Puerto Vallarta and around Banderas Bay, it can be difficult to keep up with it all. So we've put together a brief overview of some of this week's news headlines from local Spanish language publications, and added some upcoming events you won't want to miss.

A-H1N1 Influenza Vaccines in Jalisco

During the course of next week, 33,900 doses of influenza vaccines will be distributed in the state of Jalisco. The vaccines will be given first to pregnant women since they have shown the most vulnerability against A-H1N1.

Pregnant women are not necessarily in more danger of contacting the virus, but the symptoms seem to hit them harder than a woman who is not pregnant, a man, or even a child. The shots will be given out throughout the week and can be found at the local Red Cross.

Tourism Director says Hard Times are Over

Jose Judwig Estrada Virgen, the North Coast Regional Director of Tourism, assured that the best is yet to come for Puerto Vallarta in terms of tourism coming to the port. He stated that we have already experience a tremendous increase in tourist arrivals and they will only continue to grow. This is wonderful news to all Puerto Vallarta locals who have been in a "slump" for quite some time now. In this respect, Jose Estrada announced, "The hard times are over."

Urban Search and Rescue Drill on Jalisco Coast

During this week end, a national operation entitled "National Assembly of Search and Rescue in Collapsed Structures" will take place. This operation will include all of the national search and rescue groups of USAR-Mexico (Urban Search and Rescue).

This operation will take place in Boca de Iguana, Jalisco - just north of Barra de Navidad - in order to help improve all search and rescue teams such as fire fighters, paramedics, etc. USAR-Vallarta currently holds the fourth spot on a national level and this weekend are hoping to improve that. Click HERE to learn more.

Upcoming Puerto Vallarta Events - Click on titles for more information

Puerto Vallarta's Got Latin Fever - through November 29th

Kim Kuzma Live at bite me! beach club - November 30th

PEACE Open House - December 4th

An Evening with Hans King - December 4th

4th Annual Pet Picnic at Daiquiri Dick's - December 5th

R.I.S.E. and Shine Gourmet Champagne Brunch - December 5th

Chad Buck Exhibition at T Fuller Fine Art - December 5th

Mexico Real Estate and Mortgage How-To's - December 7th

Charity Whale Watching Tours - December 9th and 18th

PVJC Chanukah Dinner at The River Cafe - December 12th

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