|  |  | News from Around Banderas Bay | November 2009  
Concierto Clásico de Otoño a Big Success
Cecilia Scriban - PVNN November 28, 2009

| The November 20 Concierto Classico de Otoño at Los Mangos Library was a big success! These classical music and dance performances motivate and encourage our Vallartan youths to play in public. |  | With another celebration of the young Vallartans' classical music over, we wish to sincerely thank the Director, Lic. Ricardo Murrieta and his most attentive staff again for inviting, hosting and helping with our young people's free concert this past Friday, November 20 at the Biblioteca Los Mangos, he himself unfortunately not being able to attend in person this time for health reasons.
 We would also like to extend our warm appreciation to all our regular participating schools, such as Colegios Jean Piaget, Ameyali, the Sindicato de Filarmonicos de Puerto Vallarta, the Biblioteca 's talleres and private studios for their sustained dedication along with supportive parents and their motivated children who worked and performed so well throughout these seven classical concert years in Vallarta!
 The repertoire of music, strongly favouring the guitar this year, not only ranged from medieval Haendel, Praetorius and Gervaise to the contemporary composer of movie and animé soundtracks - the Japanese Ko Otani, but the level of performance and stage presence were notably professional among these young performers.
 The evening itself turned out to be another joyous event among a most supportive audience of some 100 or more applauding and cheering for our young musicians and dancers.
 Novel this year was Javier Nuñez of Colegio Jean Piaget who started the concert off with a descant recorder ensemble and tambourine accompaniment playing three delightful early Renaissance music pieces - a Minuet, a Pavane and Praetorius' ditty, La Volta, while Maestra Aidé Lirio's of Colegio Ameyali's children's choir chimed away heartily through their sweet Italian and seasonal Mexican songs - Por ti Volare, Momiji-Hojas Rojas...
 As for the numerous classical guitar numbers presented, the most convincingly performed came from our repeat participants, the Escobar Guardado brothers of the Sindicato de Filarmonicos with the Gran Vals of Francisco Tárrega and the soaring Romanza (anonymous) which drew thunderous applause. Equally popular were the sonorous lyrical guitar duo pieces by students of Maestro Gabriel Ruiz Mercado of the BLM Taller de guitarra, with Pensativo a Ti by A. Alba, Cancion Mixteca by Lopez Alavez, La Zandunga, Granadinas...
 These strong interpretations were suitably matched on piano with Joshua Rodriguez Macias, another regular in his virtuoso and poetic rendition of Chopin's Nocturnes #16 and 19. A welcome addition to the musical evening were two new promising debutantes, Dalia Escobar (younger sister) on guitar flawlessly playing the Vals by Julio Sagreras followed by Shamira Arzumendi, on piano featuring the lively Mozart's Alla Turca, and Variation on Pachebel's Canon.
 The concert concluded with 'Reconocimiento' roses for the beaming teachers, but not before including for variety, two daintily executed Hadas de Luz ballet numbers, under Maestra Gabriella Raigosa of the Biblioteca's own Taller de Biblos Danza, to round off with our two talented and versatile Escobar Guardado guitar brothers, Gil and Pablo again, but this time each a piece playing just as competently solo on piano Bebu Silvetti's Piano and appropriately, Mexico's Chopin - Maria Manuel Ponce's beloved Intermezzo.
 Indeed, it is all you dear audience and fellow music-lovers that we would like to cheer and applaud for your warm participation and support of "classical" music education here in town and we do look forward to seeing you all again in our next Vallarta youth classical concert.

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