|  |  | News from Around Banderas Bay | November 2009  
Vallarta Orchid Society Lecture Series: Growing Orchids from Seeds - Part 1
T.J. Hartung - PVNN November 19, 2009

| For more information on this talk, or the Vallarta Orchid Society, send an email to pvorchids(at)gmail.com, or visit PvOrchids.com. |  | This month we will begin a series of talks on the complexities of growing orchids from seeds. The seeds of most plants are easy to start and will grow under most reasonable conditions. Orchids, however, have strict requirements. Growing orchids from seeds is the biggest step in producing new orchid hybrids (a cross of 2 different orchids). The techniques involved in growing orchids from seeds are also used to create multiple plants from one, a process called meristem cloning.
 The talk will take place at the Vallarta Botanical Gardens on Saturday, November 28, starting at 1 pm. There is no charge to attend this talk, but the Botanical Gardens requests a small donation for entrance to the grounds.
 The Vallarta Botanical Gardens has a large collection of orchids and other plants from the area. Also, you'll find a restaurant, a swimming hole in the river, shade houses where young plants get their start, and a number of trails thru the jungle areas. For more information on the Botanical Gardens, visit their website at VallartaBotanicalGardensAC.org.
 The gardens are located 24 Km south of town, just 3 Km past Chico's Paradise. The bus to El Tuito will stop at the entrance to the Gardens, and will return you to town.
 For more information on this talk, or the Vallarta Orchid Society, send an email to pvorchids(at)gmail.com, or visit the Vallarta Orchid Society website at PvOrchids.com.

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