|  |  | News from Around Banderas Bay | November 2009  
Expats In Vallarta November Schedule
Sara Wise - PVNN November 03, 2009

| Uncle Bubba's Back Porch is located at 429B Basilio Badillo between Aguacate and Jacarandas in Old Town Puerto Vallarta. |  | Expats In Vallarta will be having their November Happy Hour gatherings at Uncle Bubba's Back Porch in Old Town. Uncle Bubba's is located at 429B Basilio Badillo between Aguacate and Jacarandas. The dates and times are November 10th and 24th at 5:00 pm.
 The local group of Expats In Vallarta is made up of residents, visitors and investors from other countries. It was started last July and continues to grow dramatically with each gathering.
 Uncle Bubba's has a beautiful outside hacienda style courtyard setting that makes it easy for mingling and talking with everyone and meeting new friends. For the Expats, Uncle Bubba's offers a special menu featuring their specialty Cajun Hot Wings and Popcorn Shrimp and other foods as well as special drink prices.
 The purpose of the group is informal fellowship and assistance for Expats around Vallarta or for those considering the area. There is no membership fee or requirement; everyone pays for only what they use or consume.
 For further information, check out the Expats in Vallarta website, which is set up to provide information about the group and communication between members.

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