|  |  | News Around the Republic of Mexico | November 2009  
27th Session of National Public Security Council
Suzanne Stephens Waller - Presidencia de la República go to original November 27, 2009

| President Calderón leads the 27th Session of the National Public Security Council. (Presidencia de la República) |  | Mexico City - President Calderón led the 27th Session of the National Public Security Council in the Treasury Hall of the National Palace.
 The National Public Security System (SNSP) is the organization that establishes the bases for the coordination and distribution of functions regarding public security between the Federation, states, Federal District and municipalities, under the direction of the President. The SNSP comprises the institutions of the three orders of government responsible for public security, in other words, the police corps, the state prosecutors' office and penitentiary institutions.
 The public security policy implemented by Felipe Calderón is integral, coordinated and linked to a combination of national, regional and international cooperation and efforts.
 The President directs the SNSP, within which the Federation, states and municipalities have clearly delimited functions.
 The specific objectives of the SNSP are to :
 a) Formulate, implement, follow-up and evaluate public security policies, programs and strategies.
 b.- Propose, implement and evaluate the National Program for the Procurement of Justice, the National Public Security Program and other pragmatic instruments in this issue.
 c.- Regulate the procedures for the selection, admission, training, permanence, evaluation, certification and registration of government employees in Public Security institutions.
 d.- Regulate the disciplinary systems, as well as the awards and incentives for government employees in public security institutions.
 e.- Establish uniform criteria for the organization, operation and technological modernization of Public Security Institutions.
 f.- Establish and control criminal and personnel data bases.
 g.- Undertake joint actions and operations with public security institutions.
 h.- Determine the participation of the community and academic institutions in contributing to the evaluation of crime prevention policies as well as Public Security Institutions.
 The principal function of the National Public Security Council (CNSP) is to promote coordination between the organizations comprising the SNSP to promote the homologation and proper development of the ministerial, police and expert models as well as the establishment of mechanisms to ensure that society participates in the evaluation processes of crime prevention policies as well as of public security institutions.
 The CNSP, the highest organization of the SNSP is led by the President and comprises the Secretaries of the Interior, National Defense, Navy, Public Security, the Attorney General, State Governors, the Head of the Federal District Government and the SNSP Executive.

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