President Felipe Calderón Meets with Mexican Intellectuals and Academics
Suzanne Stephens Waller - Presidencia de la República go to original November 05, 2009
 Los Pinos - President Felipe Calderón met with Mexican opinion leaders and academics at the official Los Pinos residence to exchange various points of view on the political transformations required by the country.
 During the meeting, the attendees dealt with issues such as relations between the Executive and Legislative Branches, issues concerning the consecutive legislative and municipal election and the efficiency of local administrations, among others.
 President Felipe Calderón expressed his government's willingness to raise and discuss issues of a political order that will bring Government closer to citizens and make relations between the branches of the Union more productive, in order to strengthen the quality of democracy in Mexico.
 He said that it is time to construct the mechanisms that will make it possible to improve political representation, in order to expand people's freedom and capacity.
 The Mexican President was accompanied by Secretaries of the Interior, Fernando Gómez Mont; Education, Alonso Lujambio Irazábal, Communications and Transport, Juan Molinar Horcasitas; así como la Jefa de la Oficina de la Presidencia, Patricia Flores Elizondo, and the President’s Private Secretary, Luis Felipe Bravo Mena.
 The opinión leaders and academics that attended included María Amparo Casar, Denise Dresser, Federico Estévez, Jesús Silva-Herzog Márquez, Soledad Loaeza, Carlos Elizondo Mayer-Serra, Gabriel Negretto, Juan Pardinas, Federico Reyes Heroles, Jeffrey Weldon and José Woldenberg.