|  |  | Americas & Beyond | November 2009  
9/11 Text Messages Released: Wikileaks Publishes Intercepted Government Pager Texts as They Were Sent
Huffpost go to original November 27, 2009
 Government employees sent more than 500,000 text pager messages In the hours before and after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. The intercepted messages are now published online at Wikileaks. The messages will be published at the same times that they were originally sent on 9/11.
 Wikileaks, a journalistic endeavor that promotes better government through transparency , says that the messages were intercepted by a organization that has been archiving US telecommunications prior to 9/11. Wikileaks says that the sources of the messages range from Pentagon employees to messages sent by the NYPD, and even automated messages relayed by computers to their operators.
 Below are examples of what Wikileaks will publish. Visit their site for more information.
 • 8:36:03 AM IRAQ SAYS IT SHOOTS DOWN U.S. RECONNAISSANCE PLANE • 8:51:31 AM Andrew.Terzakis@pentagon.af.mil|Please call Pentagon Weather|UNCLASSIFIED Please call Pentagon Weather.......reference 1030 Meeting.....703-695-0406 ANDREW J. TERZAKIS, Lt Col, USAF D • 8:53:44 AM "NYPD Ops Div" |1 PCT WORLD TRADE CENTER|--- 1 PCT - WORLD TRADE CENTER - POSSIBLE EXPLOSION WORLD TRADE CENTER BUILDING. LEVEL 3 MOBILIZATION TO CHURCH AND VESSY. • 9:24:48 AM DOLLAR TUMBLES VS EURO, YEN AFTER WTC EXPLOSION • 9:24:59 AM NYC WTC'S: WMS TKT 191100495. SWITCHES SEEM TO BE OKAY . OVERLOADS IN SM 9 OF SOUTH TOWER FROM HIGH • 9:31:51 AM N.Y.C. TKT#191100488 - WTC HAS BEEN HIT BY AN AIRPLANE AND A BOMB. CURRENTLY B6 IS BEING EVACUATED. NCC HAS RECEIVED MULTIPLE ALARMS OPTICAL / ENVIORNMENTAL. UPDATES WILL FOLLOW. RYAN P/L NCC 800-824-8049 • 9:32:52 AM FANNIE MAE DELAYS BENCHMARK BILL,CALLABLE NOTE ANNOUNCEMENT DUE TO WTC BLASTS • 9:50:03 AM it's reported that a US military helicopter circled the building then crashed into or next to the Pentagon - it's not clear to whether it was the White House or the Pentagon - they are being evacuated • 7:05:57 AM Please don't leave the building. One of the towers just collapsed! PLease, please be careful. Repeat, • 11:00:30 AM BOMB SQUAD PLS REPORT TO EDIC..PER T913..OPS/JL • 11:13:04 AM Lines to Washington & Saudi are blocked or jammed. Couldn't get thru. Jim at the FBI had no info - he suggested we watch Fox or CNN. Chris. • 11:20:52 AM Eddie and Paul are okay. Paul is still trapped in his building which is next to the WTC. • 11:29:13 AM pewells|I'm OK. I saw the whole thing. Was on the roof looking at the first fire when I saw the second plane plow into the second tower. Unbelievable, literally...I was inside when they collapsed. Still in my apt, nowhere to go...This is the end of the world as we know it... • 11:39:47 AM jtamer|You are needed in the WAR room asap. • 3:25:54 PM im not dealing with this shit today....i will call johnston in early......ford shut down there plants and im not answering why we are still working....fuck this. FROM: RYDER LITTLEJOHN (x18914) (3 • 5:20:30 PM Honey wanted to tell you how much i love you. I was alittle worried.I Don't want to lose you now that I got you back. You mean everything to me. You have my whole heart and life. Ilove you so much, • 6:05:05 PM We are bombing Afganistan. Pene • 6:58:58 PM 1) my nephew's ok, 2) there's a dead body at the main gate, 3) US denies responsibility for bombing in Afghanistan. Over and out.

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