|  |  | Vallarta Living | November 2009  
Out and About in Puerto Vallarta
Twila Crawford - PVNN November 12, 2009

| New Orleans blues legend John Mooney will perform November 20-22 at Casa Iguana Hotel in Mismaloya. For more information call Ron Golden at 044-322-172-2569. |  | We have so many wonderful persons here. Then we have those few... I simply was walking down the street, and an older woman I know told me I had lost too much weight. Is this possible? She also said my face was too thin. Then an older woman with her I don't know chimed in that I needed to wear a different bra. All of this while I was simply trying to go someplace.
 Then one day in the bank, I was so embarrassed as a North American man, loudly, questioned the teller he was dealing with. Of course, the teller had correctly counted back the money. I apologized for the man's actions to the tellers and other Mexicans around me. We hear these kinds of stories from others, too. Why are some persons so obnoxious?
 New Orleans blues legend John Mooney will perform November 20-22, Friday, Saturday and Sunday at Casa Iguana Hotel in Mismaloya. Tickets are available at Coco's, 122 Pulpito, and at the hotel.
 The annual fun cocktail party at Lucy's Cucu Cabana will be on Friday, November 13, from 6-9 pm at 295 Basilio Badillo. Lucy's husband, author Gil Gevins, will have his awaited novel out next November 2010.
 Artist Marta Gilbert's exhibition of paintings will be at Galeria A.L., J.O. Dominguez 155, on the evening of November 25.
 Vallarta Botanical Gardens will celebrate its fourth anniversary on Sunday, November 15, from 1-5 pm, with a pig roast. A Psychic Fair also will be conducted. Price for the affair is $160 pesos. If not a member, an entrance fee of $50 pesos is required to help support the Gardens.
 Becas Vallarta launches its season on November 18 with a breakfast at La Palapa on the beach at 9:30 am. For tickets, call Polly Vicars at (322) 223-1371. For more information, click HERE.
 Señor Fox and his team will conclude a successful North American tour to aid the children at the School of Champions here on November 11 at Cafe Roma on the river, Encino 287. It is a huge day-long party. For further information, click HERE or email arthurefurmerton(at)yahoo.com.
 Golf legend Jack Nicklaus will open the latest golf course of his Punta Mita Bahía on November 16. This is the second course Nicklaus designed for Punta Mita.
 U.S. consular agent Kelly Trainor will host a breakfast in La Cruz on November 20, just as she hosted a breakfast in Puerto Vallarta in October. The breakfasts are opportunities to help others.
 The fourth annual Pet Picnic will be on December 5, starting at 11 am at Daiquiri Dick's on the beach. Tickets can be purchased at the restaurant.
 The News Hour with Jim Lehrer on PBS, will film a segment here about Americans for Medicare in Mexico. Paul Crist has led the Medicare effort in Mexico. A town hall meeting will be Friday, November 20, at 1 pm at Hacienda San Angel, Miramar 363. Tickets for $300 pesos may be purchased at Hotel Mercurio, Francisco Rodriguez 168.
 International singer and musician Lisa York has returned to Puerto Vallarta after performing for several months on a cruise ship. She will perform around town, especially at Cuates y Cuetes on the beach.
 Travel business owner Leslie Maracle and Sharon Reynolds threw a Survival to 60 party for Vallarta restaurant reviewer Gary Beck. The home of Leslie is quite interesting and creative with displays of Cuban and African art. Gary received many gifts, including a lot of chocolates.
 A reminder of some other upcoming events. The Redneck Mothers band plays at El Gringo Loco, 403 Francisco I. Madero, on Saturday, November 14. Home tours, sponsored by the International Friendship Club, IFC, get underway November 19. Proceeds go to the IFC cleft palate program. For further information, call (322) 222-5466 or email ifcvallarta(at)gmail.com. Also call the IFC for information about lectures by writer and historian Dan Grippo.
 The local Chamber Orchestra and the Banderas Bay Community Choir will perform on Sunday, December 13, at 8:00 pm, at the American School in Marina Vallarta.
 Walking down Basilio Badillo the other evening, Dick's restaurant and nightspot has been closed for some time, Fajita Republic was doing booming business, and a lot of activity was occurring in restaurants everywhere. Here's to high season!
 Enjoy the art walks on Wednesday evenings.
An award-winning journalist, Twila Crawford lives in Puerto Vallarta, where, in addition to contributing articles to BanderasNews, the PV Mirror and other local publications, she writes Out and About in Puerto Vallarta, an informative column that offers inside information about who, what, why, where and when it's happening around Banderas Bay.
 Click HERE to read more articles by Twila Crawford. |

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