International Cooking Classes at the BBCC
Denise Fiske-Chow - PVNN December 09, 2009

| For more information or to make your reservations, call the BBCC at (329) 298-3527. |  | The Bucerías Bilingual Community Center, a non-profit bicultural learning center where people share the joy of developing new skills and learning their neighbor's language and cultural background, will be holding International Cooking Classes every Friday from 6-8 pm, beginning on December 11th.
 The December 11th class we'll be preparing the cuisine of Germany, featuring: German-style Split Pea Soup, Rouladen (beef) and special Mashed Potatoes. $250 pesos per participant per class includes wine, soda or juice.
 This is a great way to meet people, enjoy good food & collect great recipes, so join us! Future BBCC cooking classes will feature Russian cuisine, Scottish dishes and Chinese Dim Sum.
 For more information or to make your reservations, call the BBCC at (329) 298-3527.
 Driving Directions to the Bucerías Bilingual Community Center: From HWY 200, take the lateral pass toward La Cruz, go past HSBC, down the hill and turn right onto Matamoros (at the yellow speed bumps after Carnes del Mundo), two blocks in on Matamoros turn right onto 16 de septiembre and you are there! We are the third building on the right. Address: Calle 16 de septiembre #48, Bucerías, Nayarit.