|  |  | News from Around Banderas Bay | December 2009  
A Most Incredible Day of Whale Watching!
Pamela Thompson - PVNN December 12, 2009

| For more information and to reserve your space, visit OceanFriendly.com. (photos by Oscar Frey (c) 2009) |  | The sea spray is still drying on my face as less than an hour ago, I stepped off the boat after one of the most incredible days of my entire life!
 December 8, 2009 was the first official day of whale watching in the Banderas Bay. After several days of rain, it dawned a gloriously clear and sunny day. Keith picked me up and we were off by 7:45 am, as excited as two kids on Christmas morning!
 Arriving at Los Peines pier, I realized it had been several years since I had been to that particular marina. What changes! Parking, a restaurant, benches - the works! I remember the days of it being a muddy and ugly place - but no longer.
 Meeting with the other people going on the tour we listened as the tour owner-operator Oscar Frey explained about these gentle giants that return to the Banderas Bay each winter to give birth, mate and provide us with a view of Mother Nature in all of her finest glory.

There are numerous whale watching excursions in the area and I am sure, many are good. But good doesn't even begin to describe the passion, the knowledge and the love that Oscar Frey (and Keith May) have for these whales. This isn't just facts and a "way to pass the day". This is personal.
 As we boarded the covered and very clean panga, we met the rest of the crew. Once I saw the captain I knew we were in very capable and safe hands. He is one of those handsome Mexican men who is very quiet but the lines on his face and his hands show his knowledge of Banderas Bay.
 Heading out (with life jackets on!) we encountered several pods of dolphins and with great anticipation awaited our first sighting of these massive mammals that are called whales. In a very short time, there they were! Not just one but two and three together! It is impossible to not feel an overwhelming emotion of awe, as the whales, though weighing tons, rise and fall smoothly in the water, leaving a silky smooth area in their wake.
 Being that this was the first time Oscar and his crew had been out this season, their emotions from recognizing their "old friends" that had returned to the bay for the winter was daunting. From the whales tails, which they have photographed and catalogued for a data base for many years, they were greeting their beloved friends by name. Corazone and Salvatorre among others. This in itself was an emotional experience.
 But my tears came when the microphone was dropped in to the water and we were able to actually listen to the males singing. The enigmatic tones and tunes were both eerie and haunting but at the same time spiritual as we listened to their communication from the depths of our own beloved Bay of Banderas.
 Time after time, we quietly and respectfully approached various whales, nearly always with two to five in a group with males pursuing the flirtatious female. Oh the power of the female mystique!
 It was time to leave them be, to thank them for providing us a glimpse in to the whale world. I will now look at the bay through different eyes, knowing that they are out there for a few more months, mating, resting, giving birth and providing us with memories that will last a lifetime.
 If you do nothing else this winter, do a whale watching tour with Ocean Friendly Tours. I can guarantee it will put parts of your life into the proper perspective and remind you how very lucky we are to be here in this particular area. And what a wonderful gift for someone, a gift certificate for at tour!
 For further information, please go to OceanFriendly.com. As well, you will see that there are several upcoming dates where a portion of the ticket sales will go to three well-deserving charities in the area, as was the case today. You will not find a more inspiring day than a day with Oscar, his crew and these beloved creatures.
Pamela Thompson is a registered nurse who has lived in Puerto Vallarta for over 17 years, 10 of them in health care. Pamela now leads HealthCare Resources Puerto Vallarta, a local healthcare resource network. Her years of experience and expertise are available to you by emailing your questions to pamela(at)healthcareresourcespv.com or by visiting HealthCareResourcesPV.com.
 Click HERE to learn more about the health and well-being services offered by HealthCare Resources Puerto Vallarta.

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