Obama's Self-Imposed Grade: A 'Solid B-Plus'
Associated Press go to original December 14, 2009
 President Barack Obama, in an interview that aired Sunday, gave himself "a good solid B-plus" grade for his first year in office.
 Speaking with fellow Chicagoan Oprah Winfrey, the president claimed progress on economic and international fronts.
 Obama said the only thing that stands in the way of giving himself a better grade is the fact that some elements of his agenda — health care reform and putting more Americans to work — remain undone.
 "The biggest burden on me right now is that economic growth has happened, but job growth has not happened," Obama told Winfrey on the ABC special.
 On the plus side, Obama said, "We are on our way out of Iraq." And, he added, "I think we've got the best possible plan for Afghanistan."